发布时间:2021-12-30 17:44
【文章来源】:南京师范大学江苏省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:80 页
List of Abbreviation
Chapter One An Analysis of the Influence of Puritanism on Hawthorne
1.1. Historical Development of Puritanism
1.2. Puritanism's Influence on Hawthorne's Thought and Writing
Chapter Two Puritanism Reflected in The Scarlet Letter
2.1. Puritans in the 17~(th) Century in the Novel
2.1.1 The Setting of the Novel
2.1.2 Puritans' Life in the Novel
2.2 Puritanic Elements Demonstrated by the characters
2.2.1 Original Sin of the Characters
2.2.2 Hester Prynne-A Rebel against Puritan Conventions
2.2.3 Dimmesdale-A Devout Puritan Authority
2.2.4 Chillingworth-An Envious Satan
2.2.5 Pearl-Embodiment of Nature
Chapter Three Hawthorne's Interpretation of Puritanism in the Novel
3.1 Hawthorne's Interpretation of the Sin and its Solution
3.1.1 The Definition of the Sin
3.1.2 Hawthorne's Solution to the Sins
3.2 Hawthorne's Attitude toward the Puritans
3.3 Hawthorne's Illustration of the Relationship between Nature,Art,Science and Religion
3.4 Hawthorne's Attitude toward Women and Marriage
Works Cited and Consulted
[1]罪与救赎:霍桑《红字》的基督教伦理解读[J]. 苏欲晓. 外国文学研究. 2007(04)
[2]《红字》的翻译评论(英文)[J]. 武立红. 语文学刊. 2006(15)
[3]论《红字》中的空间叙事结构及艺术效果[J]. 袁小华,杨金才. 四川外语学院学报. 2005(06)
[4]论霍桑的审美现代性[J]. 方文开. 外国文学研究. 2005(05)
[5]海丝特·白兰的女性主义解读[J]. 刘伯香. 扬州教育学院学报. 2003(04)
[6]迷失于社会传统中的女权战士——论《红字》中海丝特的形象演变[J]. 崔竞生,郭建友. 四川外语学院学报. 2003(04)
[7]《红字》与《罪与罚》:关于“赎罪”原型的两种阐释[J]. 孙利军. 湖南师范大学社会科学学报. 2000(02)
【文章来源】:南京师范大学江苏省 211工程院校
【文章页数】:80 页
List of Abbreviation
Chapter One An Analysis of the Influence of Puritanism on Hawthorne
1.1. Historical Development of Puritanism
1.2. Puritanism's Influence on Hawthorne's Thought and Writing
Chapter Two Puritanism Reflected in The Scarlet Letter
2.1. Puritans in the 17~(th) Century in the Novel
2.1.1 The Setting of the Novel
2.1.2 Puritans' Life in the Novel
2.2 Puritanic Elements Demonstrated by the characters
2.2.1 Original Sin of the Characters
2.2.2 Hester Prynne-A Rebel against Puritan Conventions
2.2.3 Dimmesdale-A Devout Puritan Authority
2.2.4 Chillingworth-An Envious Satan
2.2.5 Pearl-Embodiment of Nature
Chapter Three Hawthorne's Interpretation of Puritanism in the Novel
3.1 Hawthorne's Interpretation of the Sin and its Solution
3.1.1 The Definition of the Sin
3.1.2 Hawthorne's Solution to the Sins
3.2 Hawthorne's Attitude toward the Puritans
3.3 Hawthorne's Illustration of the Relationship between Nature,Art,Science and Religion
3.4 Hawthorne's Attitude toward Women and Marriage
Works Cited and Consulted
[1]罪与救赎:霍桑《红字》的基督教伦理解读[J]. 苏欲晓. 外国文学研究. 2007(04)
[2]《红字》的翻译评论(英文)[J]. 武立红. 语文学刊. 2006(15)
[3]论《红字》中的空间叙事结构及艺术效果[J]. 袁小华,杨金才. 四川外语学院学报. 2005(06)
[4]论霍桑的审美现代性[J]. 方文开. 外国文学研究. 2005(05)
[5]海丝特·白兰的女性主义解读[J]. 刘伯香. 扬州教育学院学报. 2003(04)
[6]迷失于社会传统中的女权战士——论《红字》中海丝特的形象演变[J]. 崔竞生,郭建友. 四川外语学院学报. 2003(04)
[7]《红字》与《罪与罚》:关于“赎罪”原型的两种阐释[J]. 孙利军. 湖南师范大学社会科学学报. 2000(02)