发布时间:2023-04-26 22:38
摘要:艾丽丝.沃克发表于1982年的长篇小说《紫颜色》堪称美国黑人女性文学传统中的一朵奇葩,曾两度轰动美国文坛。第一次是在小说发表的次年,它一举同时获得美国文学界最主要的三项大奖,即普利策奖、全国图书奖和全国书评家协会奖。另一次是在1985年,由这部小说改编而成的同名电影获奥斯卡金像奖多项提名。由此,小说的影响力可略见一斑。《紫颜色》作为一部经典作品,自发表以来不断的被重新阅读、审视。研究这部作品的方法也是层出不穷:分别有评论从历史小说或心理分析范例的角度分析《紫颜色》的主题;或者把小说置放于童话和爱情故事的范畴里对其寓意加以剖析,但只有为数不多的评论着眼于小说与其他作品的互文性。因此,本论文将从互文性与妇女主义的角度研究分析《紫颜色》这部小说与希腊菲洛美拉神话之间的互文及改写关系。 文章首先综述对《紫颜色》的评论及争议,接着对先前关于这部作品的互文性研究作简要回顾,并以此为基础,引出本文的讨论内容即《紫颜色》与希腊菲洛美拉神话之间的互文改写关系。论文正文分为两大部分,第一部分探讨小说对神话的借鉴,主要体现在三方面:与神话情节的相似性、对神话中“强奸”原型的借用及与神话意象的重叠;第二...
【文章页数】:52 页
1. Alice Walker and Her Writing Career
2. A Brief Review of the Critical Responses to Alice Walker's The Color Purple
3. Relevant Critiques on Interconnections between The Color Purple and Other Literary Works
3.1 Linda Abbandonato's "A View from 'Elsewhere':Subversive Sexuality and the Rewriting of the Heroine's Story in The Color Purple"
3.2 Apryl Denny's "Alice Walker's Womanist Reading of Samuel Richardson's Pamela in the Color Purple"
3.3 Martha J. Cutter's "Philomela Speaks:Alice Walker's Revisioning of Rape Archetypes in The Color Purple"
4. The Layout of this Thesis
Chapter One The Intertexuality between The Color Purple and the PhilomelaMyth
1. Gynocriticism and Intertexuality
2. The Intertextuality Embodied in the Plots
3. The Intertextuality Embodied in the Archetype of Rape
4. The Intertextuality Embodied in the Imageries
Chapter Two An Alternative Ideology
1. The Womanist Rewriting of the Mythic Plot
2. The Womanist Communicative Process
3. The Womanist Sexual Expression
4. The Womanist Filling of Maternity and Sisterhood
Chapter Three An Alternative Narration
1. The Womanist Narrative Point of View in The Color Purple
2. The Womanist Narrative Structure in The Color Purple
3. The Womanist Methodology of Language in The Color Purple
【文章页数】:52 页
1. Alice Walker and Her Writing Career
2. A Brief Review of the Critical Responses to Alice Walker's The Color Purple
3. Relevant Critiques on Interconnections between The Color Purple and Other Literary Works
3.1 Linda Abbandonato's "A View from 'Elsewhere':Subversive Sexuality and the Rewriting of the Heroine's Story in The Color Purple"
3.2 Apryl Denny's "Alice Walker's Womanist Reading of Samuel Richardson's Pamela in the Color Purple"
3.3 Martha J. Cutter's "Philomela Speaks:Alice Walker's Revisioning of Rape Archetypes in The Color Purple"
4. The Layout of this Thesis
Chapter One The Intertexuality between The Color Purple and the PhilomelaMyth
1. Gynocriticism and Intertexuality
2. The Intertextuality Embodied in the Plots
3. The Intertextuality Embodied in the Archetype of Rape
4. The Intertextuality Embodied in the Imageries
Chapter Two An Alternative Ideology
1. The Womanist Rewriting of the Mythic Plot
2. The Womanist Communicative Process
3. The Womanist Sexual Expression
4. The Womanist Filling of Maternity and Sisterhood
Chapter Three An Alternative Narration
1. The Womanist Narrative Point of View in The Color Purple
2. The Womanist Narrative Structure in The Color Purple
3. The Womanist Methodology of Language in The Color Purple