发布时间:2025-01-10 22:12
在艺术发展史上,诞生于远古时代的“变形”,日渐显露出其在艺术中的独特地位,其蕴含的魅力及趣味性,受到学界许多专家学者关注。目前,哲学家、文学家、精神分析学家、人类学家分别从相关领域,对这一主题进行了探讨。但对于“何为变形”这样的问题,学界始终未能给出明确的定义,反而在众说纷纭的阐释下,使“变形”这一命题呈现出模糊性。“变形”的界定无疑是研究和理解文学变形的一大障碍,面临这种困惑,应当首先从本体论角度解决“变形本体”的意义内涵问题。 按照上述理路,本文在对“变形”这一概念的开掘上,将引入儒家经典文本中相关“变”与“化”的理论,试图还原“变形”的原始意义,并着重于“变形”规律及方法的精要提炼,同时从形而上层面上就“变形”理念在哲学范畴内做出多层次的讨论,以便将其置入具体文本。本文选择《匹格梅梁》为实例,运用文学中的“变形规律”分别在其三个不同版本的文本中做实证分析,从而揭示出文学变形在不同层面上的潜在内涵。 引言部分阐述选择“文学变形”这一主题的动机,对研究目标做简单的提要解析,同时回顾目前学界对“变形”命题的研究概况,据此构建出本文大致结构框架。最后突出本文创新点:尝试由中...
【文章页数】:66 页
Abstract (English)
An Introduction to Literary Transformation
A Delimitation of Literary Transformation
A Brief Introduction to Literature of Transformation
Three Versions of Pygmalion as Samples
Literature Review
Organization of the Thesis
Chapter One What Transformation Is
1.1 Ontological Significance of Transformation
1.1.1 Change in Book of Changes
1.1.2 Transformation as Change
1.2 Tao and Trichotomy
1.2.1 Tao as the Fundamental Law of Changes
1.2.2 Reification of Tao
1.2.3 Trichotomy as the Law of Transformation
1.3 A Summary
Chapter Two Ancient Transformation
2.1 Communication between Life and Death
2.1.1 Conflict between Nature and Human Society
2.1.2 Fusion of Nature and Human Community
2.2 Transformation in Mythology
2.2.1 Integration of Life
2.2.2 Transformation as the Way to Recognize the World
Chapter Three Modern Transformation
3.1 Characterization of the “Third”
3.1.1 Eliza Before Transformation
3.1.2 Eliza after Transformation
3.2 Transformation without Divinity
3.3 Imbalance of human nature
3.3.1 Corruption of Man’s nature
3.3.2 Inborn Nature and Acquired Nature
Chapter Four Romantic Transformation
4.1 Galathea’s Awakening
4.1.1 Galathea as the Doll of Pygmalion
4.1.2 Galathea as a self-sufficient woman
4.2 Transformation of the Mind
4.3 Summary
【文章页数】:66 页
Abstract (English)
An Introduction to Literary Transformation
A Delimitation of Literary Transformation
A Brief Introduction to Literature of Transformation
Three Versions of Pygmalion as Samples
Literature Review
Organization of the Thesis
Chapter One What Transformation Is
1.1 Ontological Significance of Transformation
1.1.1 Change in Book of Changes
1.1.2 Transformation as Change
1.2 Tao and Trichotomy
1.2.1 Tao as the Fundamental Law of Changes
1.2.2 Reification of Tao
1.2.3 Trichotomy as the Law of Transformation
1.3 A Summary
Chapter Two Ancient Transformation
2.1 Communication between Life and Death
2.1.1 Conflict between Nature and Human Society
2.1.2 Fusion of Nature and Human Community
2.2 Transformation in Mythology
2.2.1 Integration of Life
2.2.2 Transformation as the Way to Recognize the World
Chapter Three Modern Transformation
3.1 Characterization of the “Third”
3.1.1 Eliza Before Transformation
3.1.2 Eliza after Transformation
3.2 Transformation without Divinity
3.3 Imbalance of human nature
3.3.1 Corruption of Man’s nature
3.3.2 Inborn Nature and Acquired Nature
Chapter Four Romantic Transformation
4.1 Galathea’s Awakening
4.1.1 Galathea as the Doll of Pygmalion
4.1.2 Galathea as a self-sufficient woman
4.2 Transformation of the Mind
4.3 Summary