发布时间:2025-02-06 16:09
文学研究不能脱离揭示语言表现手段的语言学,语言学研究也离不开经过高度提炼加工的文学。如果把语言学和文学研究结合起来,就能更好地抓住文学交流的本质。《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯丁的代表作之一,小说中含有大量的生活对话,本文尝试从语用学的角度入手,详细剖析《傲慢与偏见》里丰富的会话含义。 纵观浩瀚繁杂的奥斯丁的研究,研究者们似乎习惯将目光聚焦在其作品的思想性、文学性方面。有关奥斯丁作品的语言艺术研究确实不多,本文回顾了19世纪和现当代关于简·奥斯丁和《傲慢与偏见》的文学研究和批评,发掘出运用语用学理论分析《傲慢与偏见》里的会话含义的可行性和必要性。本文使用的语用学理论是Grice的合作原则和会话准则,Brown和Levinson的礼貌原则。本文对这些理论进行了阐述,并解释了它们之间的关系,为分析会话含义和间接表达提供了清晰的理论框架和研究工具。关于会话含义的可理解性也有所涉及。 简·奥斯丁擅长描写人物对话,本文从《傲慢与偏见》里精选了大量典型的对话,运用合作原则与礼貌原则对其会话含义进行详细剖析。根据间接礼貌策略在语言形式上的实现方式,这些对话被明确归类进行比较分析。小说人物经常违背合作...
【文章页数】:60 页
Chapter One Literature Review
1.1 Review on Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice
1.2 Review of studies on the theories of pragmatics
1.2.1 Conversational implicature
1.2.2 Cooperative principle
1.2.3 Politeness principle
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework
2.1 Cooperative principle and conversational implicature
2.1.1 The cooperative principle and its four maxims
2.1.2 Violation of the maxims
2.2 Brown and Levinson's politeness theory
2.2.1 Face theory
2.2.2 Off-record strategies
Chapter Three Analysis of Generation of the Conversational Implicature in Prideand Prejudice
3.1 Conversational implicature generated by flouting of the quality maxim
3.1.1 Irony
3.1.2 Metaphor
3.1.3 Rhetorical question
3.2 Conversational implicature generated by flouting of the quantity maxim
3.3 Conversational implicature generated by flouting of the manner maxim
3.3.1 Being ambiguous or vague
3.3.2 Displacing Hearer
3.3.3 Being incomplete and using ellipsis
3.4 Conversational implicature generated by flouting of the relevance maxim
3.4.1 Giving hints
3.4.2 Giving association clue
Chapter Four Conclusion
Work Cited
【文章页数】:60 页
Chapter One Literature Review
1.1 Review on Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice
1.2 Review of studies on the theories of pragmatics
1.2.1 Conversational implicature
1.2.2 Cooperative principle
1.2.3 Politeness principle
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework
2.1 Cooperative principle and conversational implicature
2.1.1 The cooperative principle and its four maxims
2.1.2 Violation of the maxims
2.2 Brown and Levinson's politeness theory
2.2.1 Face theory
2.2.2 Off-record strategies
Chapter Three Analysis of Generation of the Conversational Implicature in Prideand Prejudice
3.1 Conversational implicature generated by flouting of the quality maxim
3.1.1 Irony
3.1.2 Metaphor
3.1.3 Rhetorical question
3.2 Conversational implicature generated by flouting of the quantity maxim
3.3 Conversational implicature generated by flouting of the manner maxim
3.3.1 Being ambiguous or vague
3.3.2 Displacing Hearer
3.3.3 Being incomplete and using ellipsis
3.4 Conversational implicature generated by flouting of the relevance maxim
3.4.1 Giving hints
3.4.2 Giving association clue
Chapter Four Conclusion
Work Cited