发布时间:2018-04-28 11:13
本文选题:颈静脉孔 + 颅神经 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的 详尽了解颈静脉孔及周围的相关显微解剖结构,同时对颈静脉孔区病变手术入路进行比较,为临床手术提供详尽的解剖学参数。 方法 1.观测20例(40侧)成人头颅骨性标本骨性颈静脉孔的构成、形态、大小及与周围骨性结构的显微解剖关系,寻找相关的骨性定位标志。 2.选取10%福尔马林固定的成人带颈标本10例(20侧)。应用侧方入路及改良入路,在手术显微镜下模拟手术入路逐层解剖,仔细观测颈静脉孔区及与周围毗邻结构的解剖关系。 结果 1.颈静脉孔由颞骨岩部和枕骨侧部围成,颈静脉内突将颈静脉孔分为前内侧部和后外侧部。多数标本显示右侧颈静脉孔大于左侧。 2.鼓乳切迹内侧12.26±2.14mm处为茎乳孔,它位于茎乳孔的正外侧。二者内外关系恒定。 3.面神经出茎乳孔处位于耳屏软骨尖后下方,最短距离为9.60±1.64mm。 4.在颈静脉孔的颅内开口,舌咽神经和迷副神经之间为硬脑膜间隔;在颈静脉孔的颅外开口,神经位于前内侧,舌咽神经最靠前,绝大多数与迷副神经之间有岩下窦通过。 5.在寰椎横突下方10mm左右,舌下神经在外侧,迷走神经在内侧,二者贴在一起上行。在接近颈静脉孔下方时,舌下神经才离开它单独入舌下神经管。在颈静脉孔和寰椎横突之间有一段,副神经亦加入舌迷干,三神经紧密相贴走
[Abstract]:Purpose The microanatomical structure of jugular foramen and its surroundings were studied in detail, and the operative approach of jugular foramen was compared to provide detailed anatomical parameters for clinical operation. Method 1. The composition, morphology, size and microanatomical relationship with the surrounding bone structure of bone jugular foramen were observed in 20 adult cranial bone specimens. 2. Ten adult cervical specimens fixed with 10% formalin were selected. The lateral approach and modified approach were used to simulate the anatomy of the surgical approach layer by layer under the microscope. The anatomical relationship between the jugular foramen and its adjacent structures was observed carefully. Result 1. Jugular foramen is surrounded by petrosal part of temporal bone and lateral part of occipital bone. Jugular foramen is divided into anterior medial part and posterolateral part. Most specimens showed that the right jugular foramen was larger than the left. 2. The medial part of the tympanic notch is the stem mammary foramen at 12.26 卤2.14mm, and it is located on the lateral side of the stem mammary foramen. The relationship between them is constant. 3. The facial nerve came out of the stem and mammary foramen, and the shortest distance was 9.60 卤1.64mm. 4. In the cranial orifice of the jugular foramen, there is a dural septum between the glossopharyngeal nerve and the vagal accessory nerve, and in the extracranial orifice of the jugular foramen, the nerve is located on the anterior medial side, the glossopharyngeal nerve is the most anterior, and there is the inferior petrosal sinus between most of the nerves and the accessory vagal nerve. 5. The hypoglossal nerve is lateral and the vagus nerve is medial under the transverse process of atlas. The hypoglossal nerve leaves the jugular foramen and enters the hypoglossal canal alone. There is a section between the jugular foramen and the transverse process of atlas. The accessory nerve is also added to the lingual vagal trunk, and the three nerves are closely attached to each other
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