发布时间:2018-06-14 00:15
本文选题:前庭神经核复合体 + 臂旁核 ; 参考:《第四军医大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 晕动症(motion sickness, MS)是前庭器官受到异常刺激时所引起的植物神经功能紊乱,具体症状包括眩晕、恶心、呕吐等。MS是航空(航天)、航海、军事作战中常见的生理反应,也是部分人群在日常出行如乘车(船)时常有的痛苦感受。据统计分析表明,有50%~70%的人群在失重状态下都会发生晕动症,其发病率很高。因此,研究晕动病在军事和临床上均具有重要意义。一般认为MS的发病是异常前庭信息在脑内沿着一定的纤维联系通路传递,在许多脑结构参与下引起自主神经反应(vestibulo-autonomic response)的结果。前庭核位于第四脑室底菱形窝界沟外侧的前庭区深处,其吻尾较长,自三叉神经运动核尾侧到舌下神经核吻侧,是由前庭内侧核(medial vestibular nucleus, MVe)、前庭下核(spinal vestibular nucleus, SpVe)、前庭上核(superior vestibular nucleus, SuVe)、前庭外侧核(lateral vestibular nucleus, LVe)以及X和Y两个细胞群组成的前庭神经核复合体(vestibular nuclear complex, VNC)。VNC是接受和调节前庭信息的初级门户,除接受前庭器官的初级传入外,与脑内许多结构发生纤维联系。已有研究证明,VNC除接受视觉和本体觉信息的传入外,还发出纤维投射至下丘脑、海马、小脑、脊髓、舌下神经前置核、臂旁核、孤束核以及对侧前庭神经核复合体等区域。此外,以往的研究证明,前庭核有上、下行两条通路与晕动症的发生密切相关,即前庭核向上投射至臂旁核,再由臂旁核投射至杏仁核;向下投射至孤束核和迷走神经背核,然后两条通路再汇聚至脑干的呕吐中心,如疑核等区域。既往研究结果还提示VNC中的MVe是接受异常头部变速运动信息、参与触发MS的重要核团。最近,Gallo等从生理学和行为学上证明了MVe向PBN投射的神经元(MVe-PBN投射神经元)是参与前庭-自主反射、引发MS的重要神经元。 5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine或serotonin, 5-HT)是脑内重要的感觉、运动信息调节物质,具有复杂的生理作用。近年来,大量的证据表明5-HT可通过对VNC内前庭信息的调节参与MS的产生,但其机制不清楚。形态学研究报道MVe可接受来自中缝大核、中缝苍白核、中缝隐核和中缝背核等浓密的5-HT能纤维投射,且MVe神经元表达5-HT1A、5-HT1B、5-HT2A和5-HT2C等受体阳性。但5-HT具体通过何种受体以及何种机制参与对前庭核信息的调节与整合,到目前为止尚不清楚。 基于此,本课题综合应用束路追踪、免疫组织化学、免疫荧光组织化学和免疫电子显微镜技术,以SD大鼠为研究对象,对以上问题进行了研究。本论文主要包括以下两个方面的内容: 1.大鼠前庭神经核复合体内5-HT1A受体亚型的分布 应用免疫组织化学技术,在光学显微镜下对5-HT1AR在大鼠前庭神经核复合体内的分布进行了观察。结果如下: (1)5-HT1AR免疫阳性产物在VNC各个核团全长均有分布,主要定位于VNC神经元的胞体和近侧端树突,呈弥散分布。但在神经毡内也可观察到部分染色深浅不同、分布不均匀的点状结构。 (2)5-HT1AR样阳性神经元在前庭内侧核的全长呈高密度分布,在前庭下核的尾段呈中等密度分布,在前庭上核、前庭外侧核和X核的全长、前庭下核的吻段和中段以及Y核的中、尾段均呈低密度分布,Y核的吻侧呈稀疏分布。 以上结果提示,5-HT1AR阳性神经元广泛地分布于大鼠VNC内,它们可能在VNC内介导5-HT对神经元活动的调节,参与前庭信息的整合与加工。 2.大鼠前庭神经核复合体内5-HT能终末与表达5-HT1AR的前庭-臂旁核投射神经元之间的联系 应用TMR(用于光镜)或WGA-HRP(用于电镜)逆行束路追踪、免疫荧光组织化学和包埋前免疫电子显微镜技术,分别在荧光显微镜、激光扫描共聚焦显微镜和电子显微镜下观察5-HT能终末与表达5-HT1AR的前庭-臂旁核投射神经元之间的联系。结果如下: (1)将四甲基罗达明(tetramethyl rhodamine,TMR)注入一侧臂旁核后,在双侧VNC的各个核团内均可观察到许多TM逆标神经元,但以同侧为主。免疫荧光双重染色后,在前庭内侧核(MVe)、前庭下核(SpVe)、前庭上核(SuVe)、前庭外侧核(LVe)、X核以及Y核的一些区域内,可观察到许多TMR逆标神经元同时表达5-HT1AR样免疫阳性。 (2)激光扫描共聚焦显微镜下可进一步观察到大量的5-HT样阳性纤维和终末广泛地分布于VNC的各个核团内,且有部分5-HT样阳性终末紧紧地包绕在TMR/5-HT1AR双标神经元的胞体或树突的周围,并与之形成密切接触。 (3)将WGA-HRP注入一侧臂旁核后,在电子显微镜下可观察到部分5-HT样阳性终末分别与WGA-HRP逆标或5-HT1AR样免疫阳性神经元的胞体或树突形成对称性的轴-体或轴-树突触联系。 以上结果提示在前庭信息由前庭神经核复合体向臂旁核神经元传递的过程中,5-HT能神经终末对前庭神经核复合体神经元的活动具有调控作用;而这种调控作用可能是通过与突触后神经元上的5-HT1AR的结合而实现的。
[Abstract]:The vestibular nucleus is located in the vestibular area outside the diamond - shaped fossa of the fourth ventricle . The vestibular nucleus is located deep in the vestibular area outside the diamond - shaped fossa of the fourth ventricle . The vestibular nucleus is located in the vestibular region outside the diamond - shaped fossa of the fourth ventricle . In addition , the previous studies have shown that MVe ( MVe - PBN - projecting neurons ) are involved in the vestibular - autonomic reflex and trigger MS ' s important neurons .
5 - HT ( 5 - HT ) is an important sensory and sports information regulating substance in the brain , and has a complex physiological role . In recent years , a large amount of evidence indicates that the 5 - HT can participate in the generation of the MS by regulating the vestibular information in the nucleus , but its mechanism is not clear . The morphological study reported that MVe can accept the 5 - HT1A , 5 - HT1B , 5 - HT2A and 5 - HT2C receptor positive .
Based on this , this subject comprehensively applies beam path tracing , immunohistochemistry , immunofluorescence histochemistry and immuno - electron microscopy , and studies the above problems by using SD rats as the research object . This thesis mainly includes the following two aspects :
1 . Distribution of 5 - HT1A receptor subtypes in vestibular nucleus complex in rats
The distribution of 5 - HT1AR in the vestibular nucleus complex of rats was observed under an optical microscope . The results were as follows :
( 1 ) The 5 - HT1AR immunoreactive products are distributed in the whole length of each core of the vnc , mainly located at the cellular and near - side dendritic cells of the vnc neurons .
( 2 ) The full length of 5 - HT1AR - like positive neurons in the medial vestibular nucleus appeared to be a high - density distribution .
The above results suggest that 5 - HT1AR positive neurons are widely distributed in the rat , which may mediate the regulation of 5 - HT on neuronal activity and participate in the integration and processing of vestibular information .
2 . The association between the terminal of 5 - HT in the vestibular nucleus complex and the vestibular - arm nucleus projection neurons expressing 5 - HT1AR in rats
Using TMR ( for light microscopy ) or WGA - HRP ( for electron microscopy ) retrograde beam path tracing , immunofluorescence histochemistry and pre - embedding immunoelectron microscopy , the relationship between the terminal of 5 - HT and the vestibular - arm nucleus projection neurons of 5 - HT1AR was observed under a fluorescence microscope , a laser scanning confocal microscope and an electron microscope .
( 1 ) After injection of tetramethylrhodamine ( TMR ) into one lateral arm , a number of TM reverse - labeled neurons were observed in the nuclei of both sides , but on the same side . After double staining of immunofluorescence , many TMR retrogradely labeled neurons were observed to express 5 - HT1AR - like immunoreactivity at the same time in some areas of vestibular nucleus ( MVe ) , vestibular nucleus ( SpVe ) , vestibular nucleus ( SuVe ) , vestibular outside nucleus ( LVe ) , X - nucleus and Y - core .
( 2 ) A large number of 5 - HT - like positive fibers were observed in the laser scanning confocal microscope , and a large number of 5 - HT - like positive fibers and terminals were widely distributed in each of the nuclei and were closely packed around the cells or dendrites of the TMR / 5 - HT1AR double - labeled neurons and were in close contact with them .
( 3 ) After the WGA - HRP was injected into one side of the arm , some 5 - HT - like positive terminals were observed under an electron microscope to form a symmetry axis - body or axis - tree synaptic connection with WGA - HRP retrogradely or 5 - HT1AR - like immunoreactive neurons .
The above results suggest that the 5 - HT can regulate the activity of vestibular nucleus complex neurons during the passage of vestibular information from the vestibular nucleus complex to the nucleus neurons , and this regulation may be achieved by binding to the 5 - HT1AR on the postsynaptic neuron .
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1 秦灵芝;张富兴;李金莲;李云庆;;大鼠前庭神经核复合体内5-羟色胺1A受体的分布[J];神经解剖学杂志;2006年06期