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发布时间:2018-06-15 02:37

  本文选题:FMD-VP1-Hetero-6 + 口蹄疫 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2005年博士论文

【摘要】:口蹄疫(Foot and mouth disease,FMD)是一种高度传染性的疾病,主要发生于牛、羊、猪等偶蹄类动物。口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-mouth disease virus,FMDV)是引起该病的病原体。由于口蹄疫的高度传染性和对农业经济的重大影响,国际兽医局(OIE)将其列为A 类传染病。 FMDV 衣壳蛋白VP1 是最主要的抗原蛋白,VP1 刺激机体产生的抗体具有中和保护作用,细胞免疫对抗体的产生有辅助作用。本论文在设计抗FMDV 重组蛋白疫苗选择VP1 蛋白为靶点,具体选择O 型FMDV VP1的B 细胞表位(140-160aa)和T 细胞表位(20-40aa)和(200-213aa)经重复多次组成FMD-VP1-Hetero6 重组蛋白。 我们用基因工程的办法合成并且纯化获得了FMD-VP1-Hetero6 重组蛋白,功能实验的结果显示:FMD-VP1-Hetero6 刺激豚鼠产生了高滴度的保护性中和抗体,在乳鼠中和保护实验中保护效价达到1:1024。 本研究的主要创新点在于:基于前人的研究基础,我们设计了B 细胞表位和两种不同T 细胞表位交叉多次重复的疫苗结构,该结构未见文献报道,为我们首次提出,功能实验证明此重组蛋白免疫豚鼠的血清在乳鼠中和实验中对同型的FMDV 的感染具有显著的保护作用。
[Abstract]:Foot and mouth disease (foot and mouth disease) is a highly infectious disease occurring in cattle, sheep, pigs and other cloven-hoofed animals. Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is the pathogen that causes the disease. As a result of the highly contagious nature of foot-and-mouth disease and its significant impact on the agricultural economy, The FMDV capsid protein VP1 is the most important antigen protein that stimulates the body to produce the antibody to have the neutralization protection function, the FMDV capsid protein VP1 is the most important antigen protein that stimulates the body to produce the antibody. Cellular immunity assists the production of antibodies. In this paper, the recombinant protein vaccine against FMDV was designed to select VP1 protein as the target, and the B cell epitope (140-160 aa) and T cell epitope (20-40 aa) and 200-213aa) of O type FMDV VP1) were selected to constitute FMD-VP1-Hetero6 recombinant protein. The recombinant FMD-VP1-Hetero6 protein was synthesized and purified by genetic engineering. The results of functional experiments showed that: FMD-VP1-Hetero6 stimulated guinea pigs to produce high titers of protective neutralizing antibody, and the protective titer of FMD-VP1-Hetero6 reached 1: 1024 in the suckling mice and in the protective experiments. The main innovations of this study are as follows: based on the previous studies, we designed the vaccine structure of B cell epitopes and two different T cell epitopes, which have not been reported in literature, and are proposed for the first time. The functional tests showed that the serum of guinea pig immunized with the recombinant protein had a significant protective effect on the infection of the same type of FMDV in the neonatal mice and in the experiment.


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