[Abstract]:The first part is the isolation, culture, identification and labeling of neural stem cells (NSC). NSC is a kind of adult stem cells, which exist in many regions of the central nervous system of embryonic and adult mammals and belong to pluripotent stem cells. In a certain microenvironment, it has the ability of self-renewal and differentiation into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, and has a strong plasticity. The use of NSC for cell therapy or gene therapy has a good clinical application prospects. Guinea pigs have unique advantages in the basic research of ear science and have been widely used by many ear researchers. The establishment of a simple and feasible method of guinea pig NSC culture will provide cell support for the further research of NSC in the field of ear science. But at present, the methods of guinea pig NSC culture are not much introduced. The aim of this study was to establish a simple and reliable method for the isolation, culture and labeling of guinea pig NSC, which would be helpful for the further study of NSC in the field of ear science. Materials and methods the hippocampal tissues of newborn guinea pigs were isolated and cultured with NSC. The morphological characteristics of cultured cells were observed under inverted microscope. The cultured cells were detected by Nestin immunocytochemistry and Western Biot. The induced cells were observed by immunofluorescence staining to identify the cultured cells as NSC.The labeled stem cells were labeled with fluorescent dye DAPI and the primary and passage labeling rates were calculated. Results 1. The size of cells was different in primary culture. The boundary of cell clusters was clear and the cells in the cell clusters were compact. 2. The morphological characteristics of the cells cultured under light microscope were not significantly different from those of the primary culture. 2. The positive expression of Nestin was observed in primary and subcultured cells, and the positive expression of NSE-GFAP was induced in differentiated cells. The cells were labeled with fluorescent dye DAPI. The success rate of labeling was 93.44.After passage for 8 times, it was fluorescent.
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