[Abstract]:[objective] to investigate the effect and mechanism of thymopentapine on delaying senescence from cell level. [methods] the culture method of mouse skin fibroblasts was studied firstly, and then the viability of mouse skin fibroblasts was detected by trypan blue staining. Cell growth curve and HE staining were used to determine the cell morphology, the mouse origin was identified by chromosome analysis, and the fibroblasts were identified by immunohistochemical staining. Finally, mouse skin fibroblasts were used as drug delivery carriers. The antiaging effects of thymosin on primary mouse skin fibroblasts were studied by cell proliferation, transmission algebra, survival days, intracellular superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) content. A method of trypsin digestion, which is faster and more effective than the conventional method, is obtained, which is beneficial to cell purification, growth, passage and cryopreservation, and lays a foundation for subsequent cell experiments. The viability of the cells was detected by trypan blue staining, which showed that the survival rate of the primary cells was greater than 65 and the survival rate of the passage cells was greater than 95%, which showed that the proliferation ability of the cells was consistent with the general cell growth trend and the growth state was stable. The morphological analysis showed that the cultured cells were typical fibroblast structure, the chromosome karyotype was diploid nong40, which confirmed the murine origin of the cells, and the positive staining of vimentin showed that the cells were fibroblasts. Compared with the negative control group, the results showed that, Thymopeptide could significantly promote cell proliferation (P0.001), increase cell transmission algebra (two generations), increase cell life (cell survival time from 13 days to 36 days), promote the total intracellular SOD enzyme activity (P0.001), and reduce the production of MDA (P0.001). [ Conclusion Thymosin can promote the proliferation of mouse skin fibroblasts. The thymic pentapeptide has anti-aging effect because it increases its transmission algebra, prolongs its survival time, increases the activity of SOD enzyme in cells and reduces the content of MDA. At the same time, the mouse skin fibroblast model may become a high-efficiency anti-aging cell model.
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