抗菌肽Lactoferricin B基因的克隆及其在大肠杆菌中的融合表达
[Abstract]:Background & objective Lactoferricin B (is a class of tryptophan rich small molecular antimicrobial peptides, which is produced by hydrolysis of bovine lactoferrin (bLf) in digestive tract by pepsin. Lactoferricin B, like other antimicrobial peptides, has broad-spectrum bactericidal activity, in addition to inhibition of virus and fungal proliferation, inhibition of tumor cells and other biological functions, but almost no toxicity to eukaryotic cells. Lactoferricin B is expected to be a new generation of antimicrobial, antiviral and antitumor drugs based on its selectivity and antigenicity. However, the source of natural antimicrobial peptides is very difficult, no matter what biological source of antimicrobial peptides, are faced with the problem of culture and extraction, it is difficult to ensure that each batch of antimicrobial peptides have consistent biological activity. It is difficult to meet the needs of research and clinical application. Therefore, recombinant expression of foreign gene by molecular biology is the most effective way to obtain target protein. Because antimicrobial peptides have strong killing effect on bacteria, it is not suitable to express them directly in prokaryotic system. The general strategy is to express them by fusion or in eukaryotic cells (E. g. Yeast). In this study, Lactoferricin B gene was synthesized and cloned into Escherichia coli to express Lactoferricin B protein by fusion expression in vitro. Methods according to the amino acid sequence of Lactoferricin B, the LactoferricinB gene was chemically synthesized by using Escherichia coli codon preference codon to deduce its cDNA sequence.
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