[Abstract]:At present, the main way of inducing embryonic stem cells into hepatocytes in vitro is to initiate the differentiation of ES cells through embryoid bodies. The development and maturation of hepatocytes were accomplished by the synergistic action of cytokines and extracellular matrix. Because of the high heterogeneity and long differentiation cycle of the cells obtained by the embryoid method, it is not conducive to cell transplantation therapy. Therefore, the study on the direct differentiation of ES cells into hepatocytes in vitro has been paid more and more attention. In this experiment, ES cells were induced to differentiate into hepatocytes directly by reagent A (drug code name) without embryoid. The properties and functions of a kind of progenitor cells with multiple differentiation potential in the process of inducing differentiation were discussed. The experiment is divided into two parts. The first part is the differentiation of ES cells into a kind of AFp~ / Nestin ~ / CKl9oval progenitor cells under the action of reagent A. the properties of the progenitor cells were identified by 2.5mM reagent A. After 6 days of treatment with reagent A, the cell morphology changed obviously. A special type of oval cells was observed after 7 days of culture. RT-PCR method was used to detect the mRNA expression of the cells. It was found that the cells expressed AFP,CKl9 and Nestin.. Immunocytochemistry showed that the cells were positive for AFP,CKl9 and Nestin. In the first step, the cells were defined as AFP~ / Nestin ~ / CKl9- progenitor cells. The second part is the identification of the multidirectional differentiation potential of AFP~ / Nestin ~ / CKl9- progenitor cells induced by reagent A. These include the differentiation of progenitor cells into hepatocytes, to epithelial-like cells of bile duct and to nerve cells. AFP~ / Nestin / CKl9- progenitor cells were cultured in two kinds of hepatocyte maturation medium containing different concentrations and different cytokines. One group was composed of low concentration of HGF,Dex and lTS, one group of medium was combination of bFGF,Dex and higher concentration of HGF,OSM. After 15 days of culture, the expression of mRNA, such as TAT,HNF4 and ALB, was detected in the cells treated with low concentration factor. The expression of AFP and the weak PAS reaction of ALB, glycogen were also positive by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. The high expression of ALB was detected in the cells treated with high concentration of factors. Progenitor cells were cultured on extracellular matrix Matrigel. After being cultured in William E medium containing 100ng/m1 HGF for 7 days, it was observed that the progenitor cells formed epithelial-like structure of bile duct. After the progenitor cells were cultured in the culture medium containing RA for 6 days, the neuron-like cells with obvious filamentous processes were observed. Therefore, during the differentiation of ES cells induced by reagent A in vitro, we isolated and identified a kind of AF} ~ / Nestin ~ / CKl9- progenitor cells, which were cultured under suitable conditions and culture conditions. It can differentiate into hepatocytes, bile duct epithelioid cells and nerve like cells.
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