发布时间:2018-09-05 14:16
【摘要】: 本研究首先从临床分离阴道毛滴虫,用肝浸汤进行纯培养,提取虫体总核酸,1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,初步筛选出一株携带阴道毛滴虫病毒的虫株;然后根据国外已发表的阴道毛滴虫序列设计了一对覆盖全长的特异性引物,对阴道毛滴虫病毒基因组进行了全长cDNA克隆并测序,测得我国阴道毛滴虫病毒基因组全长为4649bp。该序列编码两个阅读框(ORF),二个阅读框有14nt的重复,在重复区有一个7聚体的滑动体(C CTT TTT)。ORF1(nt290-2326)包含678个氨基酸,编码分子量为74.9KDa的病毒衣壳蛋白;ORF2(nt2310-4581)包含756个氨基酸,编码分子量为85.8KDa的RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶(RDRP)蛋白。本研究的结果为深入研究我国阴道毛滴虫病毒奠定了良好基础。
[Abstract]:In this study, Trichomonas vaginalis was isolated from clinic, cultured with liver steeping decoction, 1% agarose gel electrophoresis of total nucleic acid was extracted, and a strain carrying trichomonas vaginalis virus was screened. Then a pair of specific primers covering the whole length of Trichomonas vaginalis were designed according to the published sequences of Trichomonas vaginalis. The full-length cDNA of Trichomonas vaginalis virus was cloned and sequenced. The total length of the genome of Trichomonas vaginalis virus in China was 4649bp. The sequence encodes two reading frames, (ORF), two reading frames with 14nt repeats, a 7-mer slider (C CTT TTT) .ORF1 (nt290-2326) containing 678 amino acids, and a viral capsid protein (nt2310-4581) with a molecular weight of 74.9KDa containing 756 amino acids. Encoding RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) protein with molecular weight of 85.8KDa. The results of this study laid a good foundation for further study of Trichomonas vaginalis virus in China.
[Abstract]:In this study, Trichomonas vaginalis was isolated from clinic, cultured with liver steeping decoction, 1% agarose gel electrophoresis of total nucleic acid was extracted, and a strain carrying trichomonas vaginalis virus was screened. Then a pair of specific primers covering the whole length of Trichomonas vaginalis were designed according to the published sequences of Trichomonas vaginalis. The full-length cDNA of Trichomonas vaginalis virus was cloned and sequenced. The total length of the genome of Trichomonas vaginalis virus in China was 4649bp. The sequence encodes two reading frames, (ORF), two reading frames with 14nt repeats, a 7-mer slider (C CTT TTT) .ORF1 (nt290-2326) containing 678 amino acids, and a viral capsid protein (nt2310-4581) with a molecular weight of 74.9KDa containing 756 amino acids. Encoding RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP) protein with molecular weight of 85.8KDa. The results of this study laid a good foundation for further study of Trichomonas vaginalis virus in China.
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