[Abstract]:Objective the human leukocyte antigen complex (Human Leukocytes Antigens, HLA), located on the short arm of the sixth chromosome, is a closely linked group of genes, I. e., 6P2. 1. 3, with a total length of about 3 500 kb. It is the most polymorphic gene system known to date. The amount of information is about 1/1000 of the total amount of information in the human genome. Traditionally, HLA genes are classified into class I (HLA-A,B, C), II class (HLA-DR, DQ, DP et al.) and III class (C 2, C 4 complement genes). They encode three kinds of different HLA antigenic molecules, which vary in product structure, expression, tissue distribution and function. Among them, II class is located in D region, and (Immune function related gene, Ir), plays an important role in immune response. Because of the important role of HLA in immunomodulation, foreign scholars attach great importance to the relationship between HLA and longevity. Many studies have shown that longevity is directly related to the function of the immune system, suggesting that genetic factors that determine longevity may exist in some genes that control immune function, especially HLA- II genes. Therefore, most scholars have focused on HLA- II genes, and there have been many reports on the association between longevity and HLA- II genes. Unfortunately, however, because of ethnic, regional and research perspective, the conclusions are very different, even the opposite results. This is a manifestation of the complexity of HLA systems. Compared with the developed countries, the domestic research in this field is much lagged behind. At present, there is still a lack of comprehensive and systematic HLA parameters of the longevity population. In this paper, we studied the polymorphism of HLA-DRB1,DQB1 alleles in the longevity population in the same area of Dalian. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between HLA-DRB1,DQB1 and longevity in the long-lived population, and to provide a theoretical basis for uncovering the mystery of longevity. Methods using sequence specific oligonucleotide probe analysis (sequence specific oligonucleotide probes, PCR-SSO), 29 volunteers aged 90-98 years (91 卤2 years) and 98 volunteers in Dalian, Liaoning province were selected randomly and healthy. The standard of physical examination accords with the National Standard of Blood Collection and supply Management. The family had no history of hereditary disease, aged 18-55 years (38 卤12) years, 49 males and 49 females for HLA-DRB1,DQB1
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