[Abstract]:Apoptosis is a highly regulated process of cell death, which plays a fundamental role in maintaining the dynamic balance of mature organs. Recent studies have shown that apoptosis is a physiological process in most cells and can be triggered by many external and internal signals. Many human diseases are directly or indirectly attributed to the disorder of apoptosis, which is characterized by cell accumulation caused by normal cell death or cell loss caused by excessive apoptosis. There are two main pathways of apoptosis, one is to activate the intracellular apoptotic enzyme caspase, through extracellular signal, and the other is to activate caspase. through mitochondrial release of apoptotic enzyme activator. These activated caspase can degrade important proteins in cells and induce apoptosis. The liver is an important organ of the human body. Recent studies have shown that apoptosis plays an important role in the development of liver diseases. Apoptosis is common in hepatocytes, bile duct cells and monocytes in cirrhotic patients. During the formation of hepatocellular carcinoma, not only the abnormal proliferation of cancer cells, but also the apoptosis of mutant cells were decreased, and the apoptosis induced response of hepatoma cells was obviously deficient. Therefore, apoptosis plays an important role in the maintenance of normal physiological function of liver and the occurrence and development of liver diseases. Protein-protein interaction is the basis of all life activities, and revealing the law of interaction is the only way to understand the mystery of life. Yeast two-hybrid technology is the most successful platform for studying protein interaction on a large scale at present. Large-scale yeast two-hybrid technology is not a simple increase in the number of decoys of yeast two-hybrid technology in conventional laboratory. A large number of technical problems need to be solved.
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