[Abstract]:In this study, 5 cadaveric head specimens fixed by formalin and 5 adult dry skulls were treated with microdissection technique, with the focus on the craniotomy of the posterior cranial fossa via the suboccipital approach. The related structures of cervical muscle group and posterior cranial fossa bone flap were anatomically studied. In order to improve the safety and effectiveness of posterior craniotomy, we discussed the microanatomical structure of craniotomy via suboccipital retrosigmoid sinus approach, and summarized the clinical application of posterior cranial fossa craniotomy via posterior suboccipital sigmoid sinus approach to middle posterior cranial fossa craniotomy. The application example of deep muscle suture technique is used to verify the clinical effect and practical significance of this technique. The first part is the microanatomy of the cervical muscles, cranial bones and venous sinuses in the suboccipital region of the posterior cranial fossa. Objective to obtain the muscles at the occipitocervical junction of the posterior cranial fossa. The normal anatomical structure of the skull provides a more optimal approach for the surgical treatment of cerebellopontine angle tumors and cerebellar hemispheric tumors. 2. Materials and methods five formalin fixed adult skull specimens and 5 dry skulls were used under a microscope of 25 times magnified. The deep muscle groups at the occipitocervical junction of the posterior cranial fossa were dissected layer by layer, observed and analyzed. 1) to observe the anatomical structure and the characteristics of the deep muscles and the occipital artery in the suboccipital approach. 2) exposure of the whole mastoid process and the mastoid process, the root of the mastoid process and the area below the superior occipital line, 3) the measurement of the anatomical marks of the skull in the lateral part of the posterior cranial fossa; 4) to determine the position of posterior cranial fossa bone flap according to the mark of bone structure, and to design the method of safely designing the hole of skull to form bone window. 3. Results: the first layer of trapezius muscle, the second layer of scalp clamp, the third layer of semicephalus, the long muscle of the head, the fourth layer of superior oblique muscle, the posterior rectus major of the head and the rectus capitatum muscle were dissected in turn. The four layers of muscle cross, overlap and perform their duties, allowing the head to rotate freely and move in all directions, while the thicker muscles also protect the posterior cranial fossa. The occipital artery is a branch of the external carotid artery that runs backward from the sulcus of the occipital artery below the mastoid process and runs on the surface of the scalp muscle, the deep part of the caput muscle, and sometimes walks on the surface of the longus cephalocephalus, and is divided into two branches that supply blood to the scalp of the occipital region.
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