[Abstract]:At present, the research on aging mechanism in the field of life science is in a period of blooming and fruitful. However, because the aging process is extremely complex, the influencing factors are changing. Because of the knowledge limitation and professional prejudice of researchers in various fields, we are faced with a confusing situation. The research on aging in foreign countries is more thorough, but it is still in its infancy in China, and there is a lack of a systematic introduction to the theory of senescence, which explains the mechanism of senescence. Under the guidance of the middle school teacher of Indian University, I have collected almost all the theories of aging, ancient, modern, and foreign in three years. I have compiled a book based on its essence, and have completed the research outline of the theory of aging and longevity. This thesis is the epitome and report of the achievement of this subject. As a microcosm of the book, this paper mainly expounds the aging phenomenon of living things and human beings in nature, and from the purpose and significance of the research on aging theory, it collects the practice of longevity in ancient, modern and modern countries. From the practice of longevity in the ancient West to modern gene drug therapy. Finally, from five levels, one angle: whole level, organ level, cell level, gene level, energy metabolism level and evolution theory, the various theories of aging are discussed. Summary of the Research on the Theory of Aging and Longevity. The book systematically arranges and classifies the aging research and the latest research progress in ancient, modern and modern countries, and adds personal understanding to it. So that readers can quickly understand and grasp the general situation of the theory of aging in a short period of time, this book is a rare theoretical reference book for the researchers of aging theory; This book deals with all kinds of aging hypotheses in terms of overall level, organ level, cell level, gene level, and energy metabolism level. On the basis of expounding the content of aging hypothesis, the background, process and experimental demonstration of this hypothesis are described in detail.
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