发布时间:2023-04-16 08:57
研究显示,含有α7亚基的烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体(α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor,α7-nAChR)基因敲除(α7 KO)的小鼠表现出很少的功能表型。本文旨在研究α7 KO对小鼠海马电生理特征的影响。用标准胞外场电位记录评估α7 KO对小鼠海马CA3-CA1突触传递的影响,用穿孔膜片钳记录检测小鼠海马单个神经元γ-氨基丁酸A型受体(γ-aminobutyric acid A-type receptor, GABAA-R)的电生理学表型。结果显示,与野生型小鼠相比,α7 KO小鼠海马CA1神经元场兴奋性突触后电位(field excitatory postsynaptic potential, fEPSP)斜率显著降低,卡巴胆碱诱发的θ振荡显著减少。在给予GABAA-R激动剂蝇覃醇(muscimol)条件下,与野生型小鼠相比,α7 KO小鼠海马CA1和CA3神经元I–V曲线均向去极化方向明显移动。以上结果提示,α7KO小鼠海马CA3-CA1突触传递显著受损,GABAA-R成熟显著延迟,表明...
【文章页数】:10 页
1 MAteRiAls And Methods
1.1 Transgenic animals
1.2 Chemicals
1.3 Hippocampal slice preparation and dissociation of single CA1 and CA3 neurons
1.4 Extracellular field potential recordings in hippo-campal slices
1.5 Perforated patch-clamp recordings
1.6 Data analysis and statistics
2 ResUlts
2.1 α7 Ko could decrease fePsP slope in hippo-campal slices
2.2 α7 Ko could impair theta and theta+bursting oscillations in hippocampal slices
2.3 α7 Ko could lead to a depolarizing shift of I–Vcurves for GABAA-Rs in the CA1 and CA3 neurons
3 disCUssion
【文章页数】:10 页
1 MAteRiAls And Methods
1.1 Transgenic animals
1.2 Chemicals
1.3 Hippocampal slice preparation and dissociation of single CA1 and CA3 neurons
1.4 Extracellular field potential recordings in hippo-campal slices
1.5 Perforated patch-clamp recordings
1.6 Data analysis and statistics
2 ResUlts
2.1 α7 Ko could decrease fePsP slope in hippo-campal slices
2.2 α7 Ko could impair theta and theta+bursting oscillations in hippocampal slices
2.3 α7 Ko could lead to a depolarizing shift of I–Vcurves for GABAA-Rs in the CA1 and CA3 neurons
3 disCUssion