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发布时间:2018-04-05 05:08

  本文选题:非故意伤害 切入点:危险因素 出处:《中南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的:调查湖南醴陵农村中小学生非故意伤害发生现况及危险因素,为当地农村儿童非故意伤害的预防和干预措施的制定提供依据,也为其他地区农村儿童非故意伤害的预防提供借鉴。 方法:采取整群随机抽样的方法,于2013年10月在湖南醴陵市东部和西部农村地区抽取4所中学和2所小学各年级全体学生作为调查对象,采用自制的问卷调查表调查儿童一般情况、家庭情况、居住地周围环境及非故意伤害发生情况。采用非条件多因素logistic回归分析儿童非故意伤害发生的危险因素。 结果:发放3550份问卷,收回有效问卷3257份,有效应答率为91.75%。3257名学生中,过去1年中共发生伤害356人,发生率为10.9%(95%CI:9.8%-12.0%)。跌伤(162人,45.5%)、交通伤(51人,14.3%)为常见的伤害类型,碰击伤、烧烫伤(各32人,9.0%)并列位居第三。伤害发生于四肢的比例最高(250人,70.2%),其次依次为头颈部(68人,19.1%)、躯干(34人,9.1%)及其他部位(4人,1.1%)。伤害的发生常见于道路(122人,34.3%)、家中(115人,32.3%)和学校(81人,22.8%)。伤害程度以轻度为主(152人,42.7%),其次为中度(105人,29.5%)、极轻度(69人,19.4%),28人(7.9%)发生了严重的伤害,1人(0.3%)致残。大部分儿童伤害后痊愈(284人,79.8%),12.6%的儿童(45人)损伤处常有不适感,7.3%的儿童(26人)出现活动受限,1人终身残疾。伤害发生后87.4%的儿童需要治疗,治疗天数中位数为3天,最长的达180天。伤害后39.3%的儿童缺课休息或治疗,缺课中位数为2天,1例休学1年。治疗费用中位数为100元,最多的花费40000元。 单因素分析发现,儿童性别、是否留守、网吧上网频率、监护人是否父母亲、监护人年龄、父母相处和谐程度、父亲是否外出打工母亲是否外出打工、家里是否储存烟花爆竹、居住地周围是否常有打架斗殴及自己是否参与打架斗殴等11个因素是儿童非故意伤害发生的影响因素。非条件多因素logistic回归分析显示性别(OR=0.75195%CI=0.599~0.941,P=0.013)、留守(OR=1.779,95%CI=1.393~2.273,P=0.000)、家里储存烟花爆竹(OR=1.337,95%CI=1.032-1.732P=0.028)、居住地周围常有打架斗殴(OR=1.517,95%CI=1.235~1.862,P=0.000)4个因素为儿童非故意伤害发生的主要危险因素。 结论:湖南醴陵农村中小学生非故意伤害发生率为10.9%,居全国各地区中等偏低水平。伤害类型前三位为跌伤、交通伤及烧烫伤/碰击伤。伤害的的发生常见于道路、家中和学校。伤害程度以轻度为主,大部分儿童伤害后痊愈,但部分儿童损伤处常有不适感或活动受限,1人终身残疾,给儿童、家庭及社会带来严重的后果和负担。影响醴陵农村中小学生儿童非故意伤害的发生是多因素的,其中最重要的危险因素是男生、留守儿童、家里储存烟花爆竹及居住地周围常有打架斗殴现象。对儿童非故意伤害的预防是一项综合性的系统工程,需要社会各相关部门的共同协作。
[Abstract]:Objective : To investigate the present situation and risk factors of non - intentional injury of primary and middle school students in Liling rural areas of Hunan Province , to provide the basis for the prevention and intervention of non - intentional injury of rural children in rural areas , and to provide reference for the prevention of non - intentional injury of rural children in other areas .

Methods : In October , 2013 , four middle schools and two primary students of primary school were selected as the survey subjects in the eastern and western rural areas of Liling City in October 2013 . The self - made questionnaire was used to investigate the general situation of children , family situation , the environment surrounding the place of residence and the occurrence of non - intentional injury . The risk factors of children ' s non - intentional injury were analyzed by non - conditional multivariate logistic regression .

Results : A total of 3,257 questionnaires were distributed and the effective response rate was 91.75 % . Among the 3257 students , 356 people were injured in the past 1 year , the incidence rate was 10.9 % ( 95 % CI : 9.8 % - 12.0 % ) . Injury ( 162 persons , 44.5 % ) , traffic injury ( 51 persons , 14.3 % ) were the most common types of injury , injury occurred , burn and scald ( 32 persons , 9.0 % ) were ranked third . Injury occurred at the highest proportion ( 250 persons , 70.2 % ) , followed by head and neck ( 68 persons , 19.1 % ) , trunk ( 34 persons , 9.1 % ) and other parts ( 4 persons , 1.1 % ) . The injuries occurred frequently in the road ( 122 , 34.3 per cent ) , in the home ( 115 , 32 . 3 per cent ) and in schools ( 81 , 22 . 8 per cent ) . Most of the children recovered ( 284 , 79.8 % ) and 12.6 % of children ( 45 ) suffered serious injuries .

Single - factor analysis revealed that children ' s sex , retention , internet access frequency , whether the guardian ' s parents , the guardian ' s age , the degree of harmony between parents , whether the father was out to work , whether the father was out to work or not , whether there were frequent fights and whether he was involved in fighting fight , was the main risk factor for children ' s non - intentional injury .

Conclusion : The incidence of non - intentional injuries among primary and middle school students in Liling rural areas is 10.9 % , and the incidence of injuries is moderately low . The injuries are mainly caused by injuries , injuries and injuries . The most important risk factors are boys , children , families and society . The prevention of non - intentional injuries among children is a comprehensive system engineering , which requires the co - operation of all relevant departments of society .



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