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发布时间:2018-06-13 08:57

  本文选题:手足口病 + 病原学类型 ; 参考:《锦州医科大学》2016年硕士论文

【摘要】:目的1.调查2012年~2014年盘锦市儿童手足口病发病现状,掌握盘锦市儿童手足口病的流行特征。2.通过实验室检测分析盘锦市儿童手足口病的病原学特点,掌握该市手足口病的病原体变异规律。3.通过病例对照研究,探索盘锦市儿童手足口病发病的影响因素,结合当地实际情况,有针对性的对盘锦市儿童手足口病的防控策略提出建议。方法1、收集盘锦市2012年~2014年儿童手足口病发病资料,应用描述性流行病学方法,对年龄,季节,性别等情况进行流行病学描述。2、采集盘锦市2012年~2014年疑似手足口病病例的粪便、咽拭子标本进行病原类型鉴定。3、采用病例对照的方法探讨影响因素。以实验室确诊的手足口病病例为病例组,选取同期病例居住地附近的未患病儿童为对照组。采用SPSS17.0统计学软件,进行单因素和非条件Logistic回归分析,探讨疾病影响因素结果1、盘锦市在2012年~2014年共发生手足口病例848例,平均报告发病率为21.09/10万,发病年龄主要集中在5岁以下年龄组(80.4%),其中以3~4岁年龄组所占比例最高(22.8%),男女性别比为1.55∶1;男性发病比例高于女性,其差异具有统计学意义(?2=44.401,P=0.000)。每年的6~9月是该地区发病高峰期。2、848例临床疑似手足口病送检标本中,病毒核酸检测阳性标本246例,阳性率29.0%,其中EV71型病例84例,占阳性总数的34.43%,Cox A16型病例137例,占阳性病例总数的56.1%,其他肠道病毒阳性25例,占阳性总数10.2%,其余为阴性。3、病例对照研究结果显示,散居、家长手足口病预防知识缺乏、大小便不能自理、饭前便后不洗或不经常洗手、近一周内和其他儿童共用玩具,以上五项因素为该市手足口病发病的危险因素,其OR值分别为2.831、2.770、1.869、3.240和3.283。结论盘锦市手足口病多为5岁以下的儿童。男性明显高于女性。发病集中在每年6~9月,病原学类型以Cox A16型病毒感染为主。散居儿童、家长手足口病预防知识的缺乏、大小便不能自理、饭前便后不洗或不常洗手、近一周与其他儿童共用玩具,以上五项因素为该地区手足口病发生的危险因素。应加大该地区的手足口病防治宣传工作,特别是社区和幼儿园等儿童聚集地,提高家长、幼儿教师对手足口病知识的认识,培养儿童良好的卫生习惯,时间应该选择每年的六月高发期之前。
[Abstract]:Objective 1. To investigate the prevalence of HFMD in children in Panjin from 2012 to 2014, and to grasp the epidemic characteristics of HFMD in children in Panjin. The pathogenic characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease in children in Panjin city were analyzed by laboratory test, and the pathogen variation law of hand foot and mouth disease in Panjin city was grasped. 3. Based on the case-control study, this paper explores the influencing factors of hand, foot and mouth disease in children in Panjin city, and puts forward some suggestions on the prevention and control of hand foot and mouth disease in children in Panjin city. Methods 1. Data of HFMD incidence in children from 2012 to 2014 in Panjin City were collected. Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to describe age, season and sex. Feces of suspected HFMD cases from 2012 to 2014 in Panjin City were collected. Pharynx swab specimens were identified as pathogeny. 3. Case-control method was used to explore the influencing factors. The laboratory confirmed HFMD cases were selected as the case group, and the non-sick children near the residence of the patients were selected as the control group. Using SPSS 17.0 statistical software, univariate and non-conditional logistic regression analysis was carried out to explore the results of influencing factors. 1. From 2012 to 2014, there were 848 cases of HFMD in Panjin city, with an average reported incidence of 21.09 / 100 000. The age of onset was mainly 80.4 in the age group under 5 years old, among which the 3- and 4-year-old group had the highest proportion of 22.80.The ratio of male to female was 1.55: 1.The incidence rate of male was higher than that of female, and the difference was statistically significant. From June to September each year, 246 samples were detected positive for viral nucleic acid in 2848 clinical suspected HFMD samples in this area, the positive rate was 29.0. Among them, 84 cases were EV71 cases, which accounted for 137 cases of 34.43Co Cox A16 positive cases. It accounted for 56.1% of the total number of positive cases, 25 cases were positive for other enterovirus, accounting for 10.2% of the total positive, and the others were negative .3.The results of case-control study showed that, in the diaspora, parents lack knowledge of prevention of hand, foot and mouth disease, and they were unable to take care of their own defecation and urine. The above five factors were the risk factors of HFMD in the city, their OR values were 2.831 ~ 2.770 ~ 1.869 ~ 3.240 and 3.283 respectively. Conclusion hand, foot and mouth disease in Panjin is mostly children under 5 years old. Men are significantly higher than women. The main etiological types were Cox A 16 virus infection. Scattered children, parents lack of prevention knowledge of hand, foot and mouth disease, defecation and defecation can not take care of themselves, do not wash or wash their hands after meals, and share toys with other children in recent week, the above five factors are the risk factors of HFMD in this area. The prevention and control of HFMD in this area should be strengthened, especially in the community and kindergarten, so as to raise the awareness of parents and teachers on HFMD, and to cultivate children's good hygiene habits. The time should be chosen before the June high of each year.


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