发布时间:2018-07-15 07:27
【摘要】:研究背景与研究目的: 儿童气质是人生早期就具有的重要个性心理特征,贯穿于儿童发育和社会适应的全过程。气质具有“天赋性”,新生儿自出生的瞬间就表现出不同的气质类型。 关于儿童气质影响因素的研究最初多集中在婴儿出生后环境因素对气质的影响,且一般采用横断面研究的方法。目前国内外学者越来越多的将目光转向孕期因素对儿童气质的影响,但大多研究孕期生理因素对气质的影响,而关于准父母亲孕期心理因素对孩子气质的影响研究较少。而随着孕期的后移,准父母亲心理压力、焦虑程度等方面都有所增加,心理状态有了明显变化,特别是到了孕中晚期。因此,孕中晚期环境作为儿童发展的重要先天因素,越来越受到研究者的关注。 孕妇的心理健康对胎儿及儿童发展的影响毋庸置疑。然而,孕妇及胎儿置身于家庭系统中,准爸爸和准妈妈的心理状况有可能会相互影响。近几年来,国外的研究开始关注家庭中父亲的参与度、父亲与母亲的互动情况、父亲的身心状况、父亲与孩子的互动情况对孩子发展的影响。也有研究表明,在母亲怀孕的中晚期,父亲就会形成对胎儿的依恋,且较为稳定。 本研究采用纵向设计,调查了解孕中晚期准父母亲的心理状态,包括妊娠期压力大小、总体心理健康状况、孕中晚期焦虑程度以及焦虑倾向和夫妻双方婚姻满意程度等五个方面。追踪分析准父母亲的这些心理因素对于出生后1个月婴儿气质(包括:活动水平、节律性、趋避性、适应性、反应强度、情绪本质、坚持性、注意分散、反应阈等九个维度)的影响程度。为妇幼心理健康保健的实践工作提供理论依据,在心理干预的卫生保健工作中,充分发挥公共卫生的网络管理效益,以孕产妇家庭为单位,干预时间提前至孕中晚期,从而达到降低困难气质儿童出生的目的。 研究方法: 本研究运用定群追踪调查设计,采用定量问卷调查的方法。以自愿参加的形式,从上海市普陀区妇婴保健院产科门诊选取334个孕周满28周的单胎怀孕家庭,请准爸爸和准妈妈分别填写问卷,包括妊娠压力、状态-特质焦虑程度、孕中晚期心理健康状况和婚姻满意度等五个心理问卷。了解孕中晚期准父母亲心理健康状态及其相互关系。研究对象的婴儿出生后1个月进行追踪调查,在儿保门诊通过主要教养人的气质问卷调查(EITQ)评估1个月小婴儿气质维度的特征。使用SPSS17.0软件进行数据统计,分析孕中晚期准父母亲心理的这五个因素对1个月婴儿气质九个维度的相关性分析和多元回归分析,寻找孕中晚期准父母亲心理因素对婴儿气质维度的可能关系和显著程度。 结果: 本研究共回收准父母心理问卷334份,待产妇分娩后1个月小婴儿气质调查共回收210份小婴儿气质问卷,期间失访124例(包括转到其他医院分娩的32例,多种原因无法带孩子来院做产后检查的92例)。比较失访的124例与数据完整的210例后发现,准妈妈和准爸爸的年龄对比(t=-1.969,p0.05;t=-0.403,p0.05)、文化程度的构成比例对比(x2=2.264a,p0.05;x2=1.589a,p0.05)和经济收入构成比例对比(x2=15.538a,p0.05;x2=8.300a,p0.05)无显著性差异。 综合分析210例小婴儿的气质,发现不同性别的1个月婴儿在气质的九个维度中只有适应性存在显著性差异(t=2.198,p=0.03),其他维度均无显著性差异。 准妈妈妊娠压力源位于前五位的与准爸爸的有所不同,分别是担心生产时胎儿的安全,担心胎儿是否健全,担心生产时的疼痛无法忍受,担心体重控制不理想,担心会难产或需做剖腹产。而准爸爸的则是:担心生产时爱人的安全,担心爱人生产时的疼痛无法忍受,担心生产时胎儿的安全,担心胎儿是否健全,担心爱人会难产或需做剖腹产。准妈妈的妊娠压力水平(73.22±17.07)与准爸爸的压力水平(70.23±17.16),存在显著性差异(t=-2.252,p0.05)。 对比孕中晚期准父母亲心理因素得知,准妈妈的心理健康状况(27.87±8.82)与准爸爸的(26.04±8.36),存在显著性差异(t=-2.762,p=0.0006);而准父母亲孕期焦虑和焦虑倾向以及婚姻满意度均无显著性差异(t值和p值分别是:t=-1.578,p=0.115;t=-0.844,p=0.339;t=-0.336,p=0.739)。 小婴儿气质与孕中晚期准妈妈心理状况的相关性分析显示,准妈妈在孕中晚期的妊娠压力越大,婴儿越倾向于适应慢(r=0.143);准妈妈在孕中晚期总体心理健康状态越差,婴儿越倾向于活动多(r=0.186)、适应慢(r=0.212)、情绪消极(r=0.231)、注意易分散(r=0.246);准妈妈在孕中晚期的状态焦虑程度与婴儿气质特质九个维度无显著相关性;准妈妈的特质焦虑仅与婴儿的注意力易分散(r=0.151)有关。另外,准妈妈对婚姻满意度越高,婴儿越倾向十活动少(r=-0.188)、适应弱(r=-0.180)和情绪消极(r=-0.137)。以上分析的rP值均小于0.05。 小婴儿气质维度与孕中晚期准爸爸心理状况的相关性分析显示,准爸爸妊娠压力、心理健康状态与婴儿气质特质九维度无显著相关性。准爸爸在妻子孕中晚期越焦虑,婴儿越倾向于活动少(r=-0.166)、适应性差(r=-0.175)、不能坚持(r=-0.146)、小易形成规律(r=-0.198)、情绪消极(r=-0.250)、注意力易分散(r=-0.139);越容易焦虑,婴儿越倾向于对刺激不易产生反应(r=-0.162);对婚姻越满意,婴儿越倾向于活动少(r=-0.162)、适应慢(r=-0.231)、不主动(r=-0.137)、注意力分散(r=-0.151)。以上分析的p值均小于0.05。 在控制了准父母的年龄、分娩孕周、家庭经济收入、是否有新生儿疾病、新生儿出生体重等因素的混杂作用后,以婴儿气质九维度为因变量,孕期父母心理诸因素为自变量,进行多元回归分析。结果发现,准爸爸在妻子孕期的状态焦虑与活动水平(β=-0.152,p0.05)、适应性(β=-0.155,p0.05)、节律性(β=-0.192,p0.05)、情绪本质(β=-0.256,p0.01)的相关关系显著;而准妈妈的总体心理健康状况与活动水平(β=0.221,p0.01)、适应性(β=0.208,p0.01)、情绪本质(β=0.257,p0.01)、注意分散度(β=0.236,p0.01),的相关关系显著。 结论: 首先,本研究中结果显示1个月小婴儿气质九个维度中除了适应性外,其余八个维度在不同性别的婴儿中均无显著性差异,这与相关研究一致。而准妈妈妊娠压力源排序前10位的与以往的研究相比有一项差别,这可能与地域差别相关。准爸爸妊娠压力源排序前10位的与准妈妈不同,并不担心准妈妈体型改变的问题,这样的发现也许可以减弱准妈妈相应的担心。母亲在孕期的妊娠压力,以及母亲在孕期发生的非特异性的心理健康相关症状的发生频率均显著高于父亲。但父母亲在孕期这一特定时段内的焦虑和焦虑倾向,以及婚姻和谐程度都没有区别。 其次,本研究探讨了孕中晚期准父母亲的心理状况对1个月婴儿气质各维度的影响。发现准父母亲的孕期焦虑、焦虑倾向和妊娠压力对小婴儿气质的影响程度最大,分别影响到小婴儿的适应性、活动度、注意力分散度、情绪本质等多个维度。而父母双方的婚姻满意度,能代表着家庭的和睦程度,也将影响到小婴儿活动度、适应性等气质维度。 虽然气质是先天个性特征的一种反映,但在气质特征的决定因素中孕中晚期父母的心理状况也是个不容忽视的因子。因此,在妇幼心理健康保健的实践工作中,对准妈妈和准爸爸的心理状况都要给予充分关注,要以家庭为单位,充分发挥公共卫生的网络管理效益,这样才能达到降低困难气质儿童出生,促进儿童身心健康发展的目的。
[Abstract]:Research background and purpose:
The temperament of children is an important personality trait in the early life. It runs through the whole process of children's development and social adaptation. Temperament has a "talent", and the newborn shows different temperament types at the moment of birth.
The research on the influence factors of children's temperament is mainly focused on the influence of environmental factors on the temperament of the baby after birth, and generally adopts the method of cross-sectional study. At present, more and more scholars at home and abroad turn their eyes to the influence of pregnancy factors on the temperament of children, but most of them study the influence of the physiological factors of pregnancy on the temperament, and about the quasi father. There are few studies on the influence of maternal psychological factors on the temperament of children. With the shift of pregnancy, the psychological pressure and anxiety of the parents have increased, and the psychological state has changed obviously, especially in the middle and late pregnancy. Therefore, the environment of the middle and late pregnancy is becoming more and more important for the development of children. Pay attention to it.
There is no doubt that the psychological health of pregnant women has an impact on the development of the fetus and children. However, the psychological status of expectant and quasi mothers may affect each other in the family system. In recent years, foreign studies have begun to pay attention to the participation of fathers in the family, the interaction between parents and mothers, the father's physical and mental condition, the father's physical and mental condition, and the father's physical and mental condition. The influence of the interaction between parents and children on the development of the child has also shown that in the middle and late stages of the mother's pregnancy, the father forms an attachment to the fetus and is more stable.
In this study, the longitudinal design was used to investigate the psychological state of the parents of the middle and late pregnant women, including the size of the pregnancy pressure, the overall mental health, the degree of anxiety in the middle and late pregnancy, the anxiety tendency and the marital satisfaction of the husband and wife. The psychological factors of Paran parents were traced to the 1 months after birth. Temperament (including: activity level, rhythm, taxis, adaptability, adaptability, response intensity, emotional nature, persistence, attention dispersion, reaction threshold, and other nine dimensions), provide theoretical basis for the practice work of maternal and child mental health care, and give full play to the network management benefits of public health in the health care work of psychological intervention. In the family of pregnant women, the intervention time is advanced to the middle and late stages of pregnancy, so as to achieve the goal of reducing the birth of difficult temperament children.
Research methods:
In this study, a group tracking survey was designed and the quantitative questionnaire was used. In the form of voluntary participation, 334 single pregnant families with 28 weeks of pregnancy were selected from the obstetrics and gynecology clinic of the maternal and infant health care hospital of Putuo District, Shanghai. Five mental health and marital satisfaction questionnaires were used to understand the mental health status of the middle and late pregnant mothers and their parents and their relationship. The subjects were followed up for 1 months after birth, and the characteristics of the temperament dimension of the 1 month infant were evaluated by the main rearing Temperament Questionnaire (EITQ) in the outpatient service outpatient department. The use of SPSS17.0 The software carries out data statistics to analyze the correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis of the five factors of the nine dimensions of infant temperament for 1 months in the middle and late pregnancy, in order to find out the possible relationship and significance of the psychological factors of the middle and late pregnant women to the baby's temperament dimension.
A total of 334 quasi parental psychological questionnaires were collected in this study. A total of 210 small infant temperament questionnaires were recovered for 1 months after childbirth, and 124 cases were lost during the period (32 cases were transferred to other hospitals, 92 cases were unable to take children to the hospital for postpartum examination). 124 cases were compared with 210 cases with complete data. There was no significant difference between the proportion contrast (x2=2.264a, P0.05; x2=1.589a, P0.05) and the proportion of economic income components (x2=15.538a, P0.05; x2=8.300a, P0.05) in comparison of the proportion of cultural degrees (x2=2.264a, P0.05; x2=1.589a, P0.05) to the age contrast (t=-1.969, P0.05; t=-0.403, P0.05) between the quasi mother and the quasi dad.
A comprehensive analysis of the temperament of 210 infants showed that there were only significant differences (t=2.198, p=0.03) in the nine dimensions of the temperament of the 1 month babies of different sexes, and there was no significant difference in the other dimensions.
The expectant mother's pregnancy stress source is different from that of the first five parents. They are worried about the safety of the fetus in production, worry about the sound of the fetus, worry about the pain in production, worry about the unsatisfactory weight control, fear that it will be dystocia or need to do caesarean section. The pain in human production is unbearable, worrying about the safety of the fetus in production, worrying about whether the fetus is sound, worrying that the lover will be dystocia or need to do caesarean section. There is a significant difference (t=-2.252, P0.05) between the expectant mother's pregnancy pressure level (73.22 + 17.07) and the pressure level of the quasi Dad (70.23 + 17.16).
Compared with the psychological factors of the middle and late pregnant parents, the psychological health status of the quasi mother (27.87 + 8.82) and (26.04 + 8.36) were significantly different (t=-2.762, p=0.0006), while there was no significant difference between the parental anxiety and anxiety and the marital satisfaction (T and P values, t=-1.578, p=0.115; t=-0.844, respectively, t=-0.844, t=-0.844, t=-0.844, respectively, t=-0.844, t=-0.844, p=0.115; t=-0.844, respectively, t=-0.844, t=-0.844, t=-0.844, and t=-0.844, respectively). P=0.339; t=-0.336, p=0.739).
The correlation analysis between the temperament of the baby and the psychological status of the middle and late pregnant mothers showed that the greater the pregnancy pressure in the middle and late pregnancy, the more inclined the baby was to adapt to the slow (r=0.143), the worse the overall mental health of the mother in the middle and late pregnancy, the more active (r=0.186), the slower (r=0.212) and the emotional negative (r=0.231) in the infants. There is no significant correlation between the degree of state anxiety of the middle and late pregnancy and the nine dimensions of the temperament of the baby. The trait anxiety of the quasi mother is only related to the distraction of the infant (r=0.151). In addition, the higher the expectant mother is, the higher the satisfaction of the marriage is, the more the infants tend to be less active (r=-0.188), and the weaker (r=-0.180) and the weaker (r=-0.180). Negative emotion (r=-0.137). The rP values of the above analysis are all less than 0.05.
The correlation analysis between the temperament dimension of the baby and the psychological status of the middle and late pregnant fathers showed that there was no significant correlation between the expectant father's pregnancy pressure, the mental health state and the nine dimension of the temperament of the baby. The more anxious the expectant father was in the middle and late pregnancy, the more the infants tended to be less active (r=-0.166), the poor adaptability (r=-0.175), and the less (r=-0.146). Easy to form (r=-0.198), emotional negative (r=-0.250) and distraction (r=-0.139); the easier the anxiety is, the more the infants tend to be not susceptible to stimulation (r=-0.162); the more satisfied the marriage is, the more the infants tend to be less active (r=-0.162), r= -0.231, no initiative (r=-0.137), and distraction (r=-0.151). The P values of the above analysis are all Less than 0.05.
After controlling the age of Paran parents, childbirth weeks, family income, whether there were complications of neonatal disease and birth weight, the nine dimension of baby temperament was the dependent variable and the psychological factors of the parents were independent variables during pregnancy. The results showed that the state anxiety and life of the expectant father during the wife's pregnancy. Dynamic level (beta =-0.152, P0.05), adaptability (beta =-0.155, P0.05), rhythmical (beta, P0.05), and the correlation of emotional nature (beta =-0.256, P0.01); while the overall mental health and activity level of the quasi mother (beta =0.221, P0.01), adaptability (beta =0.208, P0.01), emotional nature (beta, beta), and attention dispersion (beta,), There is a significant relationship.
First of all, the results of this study showed that there was no significant difference between the nine dimensions of the 1 month baby's temperament except for adaptability, and the other eight dimensions were not significantly different in the different sexes, and this was consistent with the related studies. The first 10 of the expectant mother's pregnancy stressors were different from the previous studies, which may be related to regional differences. The first 10 of the stressors of gestation were different from those of the expectant mother and did not worry about the problem of the quasi mother's shape change. This discovery may weaken the corresponding mother's concern. The frequency of mother's pregnancy stress during pregnancy and the mother's non specific mental health symptoms during pregnancy were significantly higher than those of the father. There is no difference between parents' anxiety and anxiety in the specific period of pregnancy and the degree of marital harmony.
Secondly, this study explored the influence of the psychological status of the middle and late pregnant mothers on the dimensions of the temperament of the 1 month infant. It was found that the maternal anxiety, anxiety and pregnancy stress had the greatest influence on the baby's temperament, which affected the adaptability, mobility, distraction, and emotional nature of the baby. However, the marital satisfaction of parents can represent the degree of family harmony, and also affect the temperament dimension of infant activity and adaptability.
Although temperament is a reflection of innate personality characteristics, the psychological status of parents in the middle and late pregnancy is also a factor that can not be ignored in the determinants of temperament characteristics. Therefore, in the practice of maternal and child mental health care, the psychological status of mother and quasi dad should be fully paid attention to, and the family should be fully issued. We should use the network management benefits of public health to achieve the goal of reducing the birth of difficult temperament children and promoting the healthy development of children's physical and mental health.
[Abstract]:Research background and purpose:
The temperament of children is an important personality trait in the early life. It runs through the whole process of children's development and social adaptation. Temperament has a "talent", and the newborn shows different temperament types at the moment of birth.
The research on the influence factors of children's temperament is mainly focused on the influence of environmental factors on the temperament of the baby after birth, and generally adopts the method of cross-sectional study. At present, more and more scholars at home and abroad turn their eyes to the influence of pregnancy factors on the temperament of children, but most of them study the influence of the physiological factors of pregnancy on the temperament, and about the quasi father. There are few studies on the influence of maternal psychological factors on the temperament of children. With the shift of pregnancy, the psychological pressure and anxiety of the parents have increased, and the psychological state has changed obviously, especially in the middle and late pregnancy. Therefore, the environment of the middle and late pregnancy is becoming more and more important for the development of children. Pay attention to it.
There is no doubt that the psychological health of pregnant women has an impact on the development of the fetus and children. However, the psychological status of expectant and quasi mothers may affect each other in the family system. In recent years, foreign studies have begun to pay attention to the participation of fathers in the family, the interaction between parents and mothers, the father's physical and mental condition, the father's physical and mental condition, and the father's physical and mental condition. The influence of the interaction between parents and children on the development of the child has also shown that in the middle and late stages of the mother's pregnancy, the father forms an attachment to the fetus and is more stable.
In this study, the longitudinal design was used to investigate the psychological state of the parents of the middle and late pregnant women, including the size of the pregnancy pressure, the overall mental health, the degree of anxiety in the middle and late pregnancy, the anxiety tendency and the marital satisfaction of the husband and wife. The psychological factors of Paran parents were traced to the 1 months after birth. Temperament (including: activity level, rhythm, taxis, adaptability, adaptability, response intensity, emotional nature, persistence, attention dispersion, reaction threshold, and other nine dimensions), provide theoretical basis for the practice work of maternal and child mental health care, and give full play to the network management benefits of public health in the health care work of psychological intervention. In the family of pregnant women, the intervention time is advanced to the middle and late stages of pregnancy, so as to achieve the goal of reducing the birth of difficult temperament children.
Research methods:
In this study, a group tracking survey was designed and the quantitative questionnaire was used. In the form of voluntary participation, 334 single pregnant families with 28 weeks of pregnancy were selected from the obstetrics and gynecology clinic of the maternal and infant health care hospital of Putuo District, Shanghai. Five mental health and marital satisfaction questionnaires were used to understand the mental health status of the middle and late pregnant mothers and their parents and their relationship. The subjects were followed up for 1 months after birth, and the characteristics of the temperament dimension of the 1 month infant were evaluated by the main rearing Temperament Questionnaire (EITQ) in the outpatient service outpatient department. The use of SPSS17.0 The software carries out data statistics to analyze the correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis of the five factors of the nine dimensions of infant temperament for 1 months in the middle and late pregnancy, in order to find out the possible relationship and significance of the psychological factors of the middle and late pregnant women to the baby's temperament dimension.
A total of 334 quasi parental psychological questionnaires were collected in this study. A total of 210 small infant temperament questionnaires were recovered for 1 months after childbirth, and 124 cases were lost during the period (32 cases were transferred to other hospitals, 92 cases were unable to take children to the hospital for postpartum examination). 124 cases were compared with 210 cases with complete data. There was no significant difference between the proportion contrast (x2=2.264a, P0.05; x2=1.589a, P0.05) and the proportion of economic income components (x2=15.538a, P0.05; x2=8.300a, P0.05) in comparison of the proportion of cultural degrees (x2=2.264a, P0.05; x2=1.589a, P0.05) to the age contrast (t=-1.969, P0.05; t=-0.403, P0.05) between the quasi mother and the quasi dad.
A comprehensive analysis of the temperament of 210 infants showed that there were only significant differences (t=2.198, p=0.03) in the nine dimensions of the temperament of the 1 month babies of different sexes, and there was no significant difference in the other dimensions.
The expectant mother's pregnancy stress source is different from that of the first five parents. They are worried about the safety of the fetus in production, worry about the sound of the fetus, worry about the pain in production, worry about the unsatisfactory weight control, fear that it will be dystocia or need to do caesarean section. The pain in human production is unbearable, worrying about the safety of the fetus in production, worrying about whether the fetus is sound, worrying that the lover will be dystocia or need to do caesarean section. There is a significant difference (t=-2.252, P0.05) between the expectant mother's pregnancy pressure level (73.22 + 17.07) and the pressure level of the quasi Dad (70.23 + 17.16).
Compared with the psychological factors of the middle and late pregnant parents, the psychological health status of the quasi mother (27.87 + 8.82) and (26.04 + 8.36) were significantly different (t=-2.762, p=0.0006), while there was no significant difference between the parental anxiety and anxiety and the marital satisfaction (T and P values, t=-1.578, p=0.115; t=-0.844, respectively, t=-0.844, t=-0.844, t=-0.844, respectively, t=-0.844, t=-0.844, p=0.115; t=-0.844, respectively, t=-0.844, t=-0.844, t=-0.844, and t=-0.844, respectively). P=0.339; t=-0.336, p=0.739).
The correlation analysis between the temperament of the baby and the psychological status of the middle and late pregnant mothers showed that the greater the pregnancy pressure in the middle and late pregnancy, the more inclined the baby was to adapt to the slow (r=0.143), the worse the overall mental health of the mother in the middle and late pregnancy, the more active (r=0.186), the slower (r=0.212) and the emotional negative (r=0.231) in the infants. There is no significant correlation between the degree of state anxiety of the middle and late pregnancy and the nine dimensions of the temperament of the baby. The trait anxiety of the quasi mother is only related to the distraction of the infant (r=0.151). In addition, the higher the expectant mother is, the higher the satisfaction of the marriage is, the more the infants tend to be less active (r=-0.188), and the weaker (r=-0.180) and the weaker (r=-0.180). Negative emotion (r=-0.137). The rP values of the above analysis are all less than 0.05.
The correlation analysis between the temperament dimension of the baby and the psychological status of the middle and late pregnant fathers showed that there was no significant correlation between the expectant father's pregnancy pressure, the mental health state and the nine dimension of the temperament of the baby. The more anxious the expectant father was in the middle and late pregnancy, the more the infants tended to be less active (r=-0.166), the poor adaptability (r=-0.175), and the less (r=-0.146). Easy to form (r=-0.198), emotional negative (r=-0.250) and distraction (r=-0.139); the easier the anxiety is, the more the infants tend to be not susceptible to stimulation (r=-0.162); the more satisfied the marriage is, the more the infants tend to be less active (r=-0.162), r= -0.231, no initiative (r=-0.137), and distraction (r=-0.151). The P values of the above analysis are all Less than 0.05.
After controlling the age of Paran parents, childbirth weeks, family income, whether there were complications of neonatal disease and birth weight, the nine dimension of baby temperament was the dependent variable and the psychological factors of the parents were independent variables during pregnancy. The results showed that the state anxiety and life of the expectant father during the wife's pregnancy. Dynamic level (beta =-0.152, P0.05), adaptability (beta =-0.155, P0.05), rhythmical (beta, P0.05), and the correlation of emotional nature (beta =-0.256, P0.01); while the overall mental health and activity level of the quasi mother (beta =0.221, P0.01), adaptability (beta =0.208, P0.01), emotional nature (beta, beta), and attention dispersion (beta,), There is a significant relationship.
First of all, the results of this study showed that there was no significant difference between the nine dimensions of the 1 month baby's temperament except for adaptability, and the other eight dimensions were not significantly different in the different sexes, and this was consistent with the related studies. The first 10 of the expectant mother's pregnancy stressors were different from the previous studies, which may be related to regional differences. The first 10 of the stressors of gestation were different from those of the expectant mother and did not worry about the problem of the quasi mother's shape change. This discovery may weaken the corresponding mother's concern. The frequency of mother's pregnancy stress during pregnancy and the mother's non specific mental health symptoms during pregnancy were significantly higher than those of the father. There is no difference between parents' anxiety and anxiety in the specific period of pregnancy and the degree of marital harmony.
Secondly, this study explored the influence of the psychological status of the middle and late pregnant mothers on the dimensions of the temperament of the 1 month infant. It was found that the maternal anxiety, anxiety and pregnancy stress had the greatest influence on the baby's temperament, which affected the adaptability, mobility, distraction, and emotional nature of the baby. However, the marital satisfaction of parents can represent the degree of family harmony, and also affect the temperament dimension of infant activity and adaptability.
Although temperament is a reflection of innate personality characteristics, the psychological status of parents in the middle and late pregnancy is also a factor that can not be ignored in the determinants of temperament characteristics. Therefore, in the practice of maternal and child mental health care, the psychological status of mother and quasi dad should be fully paid attention to, and the family should be fully issued. We should use the network management benefits of public health to achieve the goal of reducing the birth of difficult temperament children and promoting the healthy development of children's physical and mental health.
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