[Abstract]:Objective: to observe the clinical effect of Jiawei Dingchuan decoction on cough, wheeze and phlegm in children with asthmatic bronchitis. Methods: 64 children with asthmatic bronchitis (phlegm-heat obstructing lung syndrome) were selected. There were 4 cases of shedding (2 cases of shedding in the treatment group and 2 cases of poor compliance with oral decoction) during the actual clinical study. In the control group, 2 cases were dropped out, among which 1 case was removed by other treatment, and 1 case was lost. Finally, 60 cases were finished. They were randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group. 30 children in the treatment group were treated with Jiawei Dingchuan decoction and 30 children in the control group were treated with the children's Feirekechuan granule for 7 days. According to the symptom quantitative integral table, the main symptom, secondary symptom and total integral were evaluated before and after treatment. The experimental data were processed with SPSS19.0, and the symptom integral, total integral and clinical effect were compared before and after treatment. The result is 1: 1. After one week of treatment, the total effective rate of the treatment group was 90.0g and the total effective rate of the control group was 76.7. the treatment group was superior to the control group (P 0.05). Before and after treatment, the total score and the single main symptom score (cough, wheezing, phlegm in larynx) were significantly decreased in the two groups, and there was statistical significance by t test (P0.05). Conclusion the modified Dingchuan decoction has good clinical efficacy in treating children with asthmatic bronchitis (phlegm-heat obstruction of lung syndrome), and Jiawei Dingchuan decoction can effectively relieve or eliminate cough and wheeze in children with asthmatic bronchitis (phlegm-heat blockage of lung syndrome). Clinical symptoms of phlegm in larynx.
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