[Abstract]:Objective to explore the relationship between birth weight and obesity in children, and to provide evidence for the determination of high risk population of children obesity and the establishment of prevention and control measures. Methods 1 574 children aged 11 years from 7 to 11 years old in 12 primary schools in Dongcheng District of Beijing were examined by cluster sampling method. Height, weight and body mass index were measured. The information of birth weight, video time, exercise and diet were collected by questionnaire. After using Logistic regression to control other confounding factors of obesity, the relationship between birth weight and obesity in children was analyzed. Results the overweight and obesity rates of normal birth weight group, low birth weight group and macrosomia group were 31.99% and 46.33%, respectively, and the obesity rates were 17.4343% 21.62% and 28.81%, respectively. After controlling for children's age, grade, sex, activity time, dietary score, video behavior time, breastfeeding, mother's educational level, and parents' obesity factors, The risk of obesity in macrosomia group was 1.76 times higher than that in normal birth weight group (95%CI=1.17~2.67), but there was no significant difference between low birth weight group and normal birth weight group (OR=1.45,95%CI=0.56~3.75). Conclusion High birth weight is one of the independent risk factors for childhood obesity. In order to prevent childhood obesity, attention should be paid not only to children's diet, behavior and heredity, but also to the early nutritional status of children.
【作者单位】: 北京大学公共卫生学院妇女与儿童青少年卫生学系;北京市东城区中小学卫生保健所;
【基金】:北京市自然科学基金资助项目(7162106) 中华医学基金资助项目(11-064)
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