[Abstract]:The clinical manifestation of child tuberculosis is not typical, and most of them are tuberculous meningitis, disseminated tuberculosis and extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The situation is severe and has gradually become a difficult problem in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in China. Objective to analyze the data of 1360 hospitalized children with tuberculosis in the Children's Hospital affiliated to Chongqing Medical University, summarize the clinical characteristics of various types of tuberculosis, improve the diagnostic awareness and means, reduce the misdiagnosis rate, and preliminarily summarize the therapeutic effect of our hospital. Methods the general situation, clinical symptoms, physical examination, laboratory data and imaging data of 1360 cases of tuberculosis in children in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. Result 1. There were 664 males (58.8%) and 465 females (41.2%). There were significant differences between males and females. 38.8% of children from rural areas had definite history of contact with tuberculosis. BCG can effectively reduce blood disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous meningitis. 3. 3. The positive rate of tuberculosis antibody in serum was about 10.8%, the positive rate of PCR in secretion was 25%, the positive rate of sputum and gastric smear was 276 / 679 (40.6%), the positive rate of sputum and gastric juice culture was 131 / 583 (22.5%), and the diagnosis of operation was 163 (91.6%) .4. Imaging examination and other examinations: the chest changes were mainly in the right lung, the most obvious changes in CT were ventricular fullness or enlargement (55.1%), hydrocephalus (49.7%), basal ganglia lesions (42.2%). The diagnostic rate of tuberculosis infection by fiberoptic bronchoscopy was higher, suggesting that 15 cases (53.6%) had tuberculosis infection. Among the first hospitalized children, 832 cases (73.7%) were diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis, including 263 cases (31.6%) with primary pulmonary tuberculosis, 230 cases (27.6%) with secondary pulmonary tuberculosis, 230 cases (27.6%) with tuberculous pleurisy, 210 cases (25.2%) with hematogenous disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. Among them, 432 (38.3%) were tuberculous encephalomyelitis, 142 (12.6%) were celiac tuberculosis, 115 (10.2%) were osteoarticular tuberculosis, 57 (5.0%) were lymph node tuberculosis, 23 (2.0%) were tuberculosis of urinary system and genital system, 14 cases (1.2%) of endobronchial tuberculosis, and 14 cases (1.2%) of endobronchial tuberculosis, other ear, pericardium, pericardium and pericardium. 32 cases of skin infection. The age of onset of miliary pulmonary tuberculosis was 0-6 months, the age of secondary pulmonary tuberculosis was not significantly different, the age of primary pulmonary tuberculosis was after 1 year old, and the age of tuberculous meningitis was 3 years old in June. Osteoarticular tuberculosis (1-6 years old), abdominal tuberculosis, tuberculous pleurisy (TB), and urinary tuberculosis (age 12-18 years). The improvement rate of disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous pleurisy, tuberculous meningitis and intraperitoneal tuberculosis was increased by regular anti-tuberculosis therapy and low dose hormone (all P < 0.05 by chi-square test). Conclusion the clinical analysis of tuberculosis in children in our hospital is almost the same as that reported in domestic and foreign literatures, but the incidence of tuberculous meningitis in our hospital is higher and the incidence of tuberculosis of bone and joint is lower. The cure rate was 70.5%, but the mortality rate of tuberculous meningitis was higher (6.0%). At present, the situation of tuberculosis infection in children is severe, the course of disease is long and the positive rate of etiology is low. It is necessary to strengthen the comprehensive analysis of clinic, laboratory examination, imaging and, if necessary, to actively carry out diagnostic treatment.
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