[Abstract]:Dnm3os is a long non-coding RNA (long noncoding RNA,or lncRNA). Encoded by an independent transcriptional unit located on chromosome 1 and chimeric in the intron of Dynamin 3 gene. Previous data, including from our laboratory, show that miR-214, one of the two miniature RNA carried by Dnm3os, can form a regulatory loop with proto-oncogene N-Ras by accelerating the escape of cells from mitotic phase. In order to promote the differentiation of myoblasts along the direction of muscle fiber or in the direction of bone under the action of BMP. My doctoral study found that miR-214 does not play a necessary role in embryonic development, but it can promote the repair of adult muscle injury and inhibit cell proliferation in embryonic fibroblasts. I further found that the role of miR-214 in regulating cell growth is also reflected in the inhibition of rhabdomyosarcoma (rhabdomyosarcma,RMS), a common soft tissue malignant tumor in children. This tumor is mainly caused by malignant proliferation and poor differentiation of muscle progenitor cells, so it is closely related to the principle of miR-214. I found that the expression of miR-214 in human rhabdomyosarcoma cell line was significantly low. Overexpression of miR-214 in human embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma cell line (RD) could significantly inhibit its proliferation, withdraw from the cell cycle and begin muscle differentiation. Tumor-bearing experiments in nude mice also confirmed the ability of miR-214 to inhibit the tumorigenesis of RD cells in vivo. The mutation of miR-214 binding site in N-ras 3 'terminal non-transcriptional region (3'-UTR) was analyzed. I have once again confirmed the important role of miR-214 and N-ras regulatory loops in cell growth and RMS. Noonan syndrome is a common autosomal dominant genetic disease with specific facial representation and usually short stature. Congenital heart defects, as well as cognitive impairment and other clinical symptoms. Because the known genetic factors leading to Noonan syndrome are concentrated in the RAS/MAPK signaling pathway, the syndrome is also known as RAS disease (RASopathies). In partnership with Minnesota Children's Hospital, we found a maternal child with Noonan syndrome. No RAS/MAPK pathway gene mutation was found, but the comparative genomic hybrid (comparative genomic hybridization,CGH) showed the deletion of a narrow 690kb fragment in the 1q24.3 region of chromosome 1, covering LncRNA-Dnm3os, and PIGC,clorf105, embedded in DYNAMIN3,. Clorf9 and FSALG four genes. By using qPCR, I found that the expression of NS characteristic gene in peripheral blood of affected members of the family was significantly increased, and overexpression of Dnm3os could inhibit the expression of NS characteristic gene. Although bioinformatics analysis of six genes causing Noonan syndrome is the target gene of miR-214, there are no corresponding symptoms in miR-214 knockout mice, suggesting that the deletion of the whole fragment of Dnm3os is closely related to the occurrence of Noonan syndrome. Based on the published phenotypic data of LncRNA-Dnm3os knockout mice, we speculate that LncRNA-Dnm3os plays a key role in the development of calcification in skeletal cartilage. It was further found that LncRNA-Dnm3os promoted the proliferation and inhibition of the differentiation of cartilage cells, maintained the self-renewal of proliferating cartilage cells, and provided sufficient cell source for the differentiation of cartilage cells in the process of intra-cartilage calcification and osteogenesis. Moreover, the function of this function does not depend on the mosaic of miR-199a_2 and miR- 214. These results suggest that LncRNA-Dnm3os plays a key role in the development of calcification in skeletal cartilage, which makes the patients show typical syndrome. The above findings provide a new theoretical basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
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