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发布时间:2018-06-18 09:59

  本文选题:增生性肌炎 + 大腿肌 ; 参考:《中国超声医学杂志》2013年11期

【摘要】:正患者女,58岁。自觉右大腿肿物5 d,无明显诱因。体检:右大腿中段可扪及一梭形肿物,境界不清晰,质地较硬,固定,有压痛,局部皮肤无红肿溃烂。实验室检查无明显异常。高频超声扫查所见:右大腿中段可探及5.2 cm×1.5 cm×2.7 cm不均质等回声包块,呈梭形,边界欠清晰,纵切面,呈明显粗大肌束样回声,与正常肌组织走形一致(图1),横切面,增厚的肌间隔呈龟裂纹状(图2),彩色多普勒血流显像示少许血流信号。超声提示:右大腿肌层实性包块。该患者于局麻下手术切除肿块,病理证实为增生性肌炎。
[Abstract]:The patient was 58 years old. Conscious right thigh tumor 5 days, there is no obvious inducement. Physical examination: right thigh can be palpable to a fusiform mass, the boundary is not clear, the texture is hard, fixed, tenderness, local skin without swelling and ulceration. There was no obvious abnormality in laboratory examination. High frequency ultrasound scan showed that the middle segment of the right thigh could be detected in the middle part of the right thigh, and the echoic mass of 5.2cm 脳 1.5cm 脳 2.7cm was similar to that of the normal muscle tissue (Fig. 1, transverse section), but the boundary was not clear, the longitudinal section was not clear, and the echo was obvious in the thick muscle bundle (Fig. 1). The thickened septum is a tortoise fissure (Fig. 2, color Doppler flow imaging shows a few blood flow signals). Ultrasonic indication: right thigh muscular layer solid mass. The patient underwent surgical resection of the mass under local anesthesia and was pathologically confirmed as hyperplastic myositis.
【作者单位】: 襄阳职业技术学院附属医院功能科;




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