[Abstract]:The human brain, with 100 billion neurons and 100 billion synapses, is the most complex system known in the universe. Information reconciliation at multiple spatial and temporal scales is a prerequisite for brain function to support all cognition and behavior. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (f MRI), as a non-invasive in vivo brain functional imaging method, has a high spatial-temporal resolution and provides a powerful means for the study of large-scale human brain functional networks. The basic research on the neural network mechanism of head movement and the spatiotemporal dynamic characteristics of spontaneous nerve activity, as well as the methodologies and related applications of supervised and unsupervised mode analysis of brain state based on functional connectivity MRI (fc MRI). The work of this paper mainly includes the following four aspects Rong: Neural network mechanism of spontaneous head movement in brain imaging. Individual differences in brain indices, especially functional connectivity measured by F MRI, are correlated with head movement differences in data acquisition. The premise of this result is that the connection differences caused by head motion artifacts are corrected completely. In the second chapter of this paper, it is proposed that brain connection differences may also be possible. It is a neurobiological feature that predicts head movement differences. We support this argument by comparing the large head motion data and the small head motion data between individuals and individuals. Inter-individual analysis found the biological marker of head movement, i.e. the weakening of long-range functional connectivity in the default network of the large head motion subjects. In intra-individual analysis, this was not the case. Similar junctional differences were observed. On the contrary, this biomarker was very stable in individuals. These findings suggest that differences in brain junctions can not be simply considered as head-movement artifacts, but may also reflect individual differences in functional tissues. The third chapter demonstrates the feasibility of supervised pattern analysis based on whole brain resting FC MRI in differentiating patients with severe depression. The results demonstrate the supervised classification based on whole brain resting FC MRI. The most discriminatory functional connections were found in the default network, the emotional network, the visual cortex and the cerebellum, indicating that these resting networks associated with disease may be responsible for the emotional and cognitive development of patients with major depression. In addition, the amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, parahippocampal gyrus and hippocampus may play important roles in the pathology of depression. These results suggest that resting FC MRI may be a potential biological marker for the diagnosis of depression. The diagnosis of depression is based on the patient's self-reported symptoms and clinical manifestations, so it may be influenced by the patient's current behavior and doctor's prejudice. In chapter 4, we propose an unsupervised brain network pattern classification framework based on resting FC MRI, which uses unsupervised clustering of FC MRI data without using the label information of diagnostic categories. We defined two sub-regions in the knee cingulate cortex: the subgenu and the anterior genu. Based on the functional connectivity map of the subgenu, the maximum interval clustering algorithm can distinguish the depressive patients from the healthy subjects. Both the group level clustering accuracy and the individual level classification accuracy are achieved. 92.5%. In addition, the most differentiated subgenicular cingulate functional connectivity networks include the ventrolateral and ventromedial prefrontal lobes, superior temporal gyrus, and marginal regions, which may play an important role in the pathology of depression. This study suggests that the subgenicular cingulate functional connectivity network characteristics can provide ideal and objective information for the diagnosis of major depression. Biological markers also indicate the potential of unsupervised machine learning based on maximum-interval clustering in clinical practice and in assistant psychiatric research. Spatiotemporal dynamics of spontaneous neural activity in the human brain. In the fifth chapter, the instantaneous synthesis and decomposition of brain states are obtained by clustering the co-activity patterns of a single BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependence) and the time phase of F MRI, showing that brain activities compete with each other in the time domain. These patterns are different from the classical functional networks and can dynamically follow distinct organizational and functional boundaries within the brain area in time domain. When performing semantic classification tasks, the temporal organization of these spatial patterns is similar. Task-related states can be observed in resting state, but selectively appear in task state. In short, these results indicate that human brain activities in resting state are dynamically fixed in the temporal domain. Transient states may better reveal ongoing cognitive processing, provide an indicator of behavioral change, and serve as a guide to behavioral change by increasing awareness of the brain's fixed functional repertoire attributes (including determining their potential electrophysiological correlations). Potential biomarkers of disease.
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