[Abstract]:Objective: To explore the diagnostic value of Doppler ultrasound in diffuse liver disease.
Methods: The data of Doppler ultrasonography in 112 patients with diffuse liver disease diagnosed by ultrasound-guided liver biopsy in the Department of Infection, the First Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical University from 2010 to 2013 were retrospectively analyzed. Summary analysis showed that chronic hepatitis B patients were divided into diffuse change group, diffuse inhomogeneous change group, diffuse reticular change group, diffuse reticular change group, diffuse reticular with nodule formation group, and 10 healthy volunteers as control group. The index of comparison was the maximum oblique diameter of right lobe of liver, the diameter of portal vein and its diameter. Flow velocity, peak hepatic artery flow velocity, resistance index, spleen size (spleen thickness, spleen length, spleen anatomical length); analysis methods for drug-induced liver disease were the same; non-alcoholic steatohepatitis was divided into mild diffuse change group, moderate diffuse change group, severe diffuse change group, and 10 healthy volunteers as control group. Compared with 10 healthy volunteers as control group, autoimmune hepatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cirrhosis and Gilbert syndrome were not divided into four groups. Echo; gallbladder wall echo.
1. chronic hepatitis B (41 cases)
(1) There were 11 cases in diffuse change group, 14 cases in diffuse inhomogeneous change group, 9 cases in diffuse grid change group and 7 cases in diffuse grid with nodule formation group.
(2) The peak hepatic artery velocity (71.47 There was significant difference between the two groups in diffuse inhomogeneous changes, and in the diffuse reticular changes, the internal diameter of portal vein (1.20 + 0.08cm) was different from that of the control group, the portal vein velocity (17.16 + 2.78 cm / s) and the peak hepatic artery velocity (65.42 + 4.21 cm / s) were different from those of the control group, and the anatomical length of spleen (13.84 + 1.06c). M) There was significant difference between diffuse change group and control group, diffuse change group, diffuse inhomogeneous change group, diffuse reticular nodule formation group and diffuse reticular group, and the maximum oblique diameter of right lobe of liver was different from control group.
3. In the diffuse grid with nodule formation, 2 cases showed the spleen under the ribs and edges.
2. drug-induced liver disease (37 cases)
(1) There were 6 cases in diffuse change group, 7 cases in diffuse inhomogeneous change group, 13 cases in diffuse grid change group, and 11 cases in diffuse grid with nodule formation group.
(2) The internal diameter of portal vein, portal vein velocity, hepatic artery peak velocity, resistance index, spleen length and anatomical diameter of diffuse reticular nodule formation group were significantly different from those of the other four groups. Diameter (1.21 [0.09cm], resistance index (0.67 [0.02]), spleen length (12.01 [0.91 cm], anatomical length (13.56 [1.89cm]) were significantly different from the control group and diffuse change group, but the peak flow index (66.11 [5.31 cm / s] of hepatic artery was only different from the control group.
(3) Subcostal and marginal spleens were seen in 2 cases of diffuse reticulation group and 3 cases of diffuse reticulation with nodule formation group.
(4) The ultrasonographic manifestations of 3 cases with granulomatous lesions were diffuse and heterogeneous, and 2 cases with severe hepatocytic and capillary cholestasis showed diffuse changes in the echo of liver parenchyma, enhanced echo of intrahepatic duct wall and severe inflammation of gallbladder. Hepatitis (14 cases)
There were 7 cases in mild diffuse change group, 5 cases in moderate diffuse change group and 2 cases in severe diffuse change group. Peak arterial flow velocity (70.47 (+2.65 cm/s) and resistance index (0.74 (+0.03)) were significantly different from those of the other three groups, while splenic anatomical length (12.37 (+0.61 cm) was statistically different from that of the control group. There were differences between mild diffuse group and mild diffuse group.
4. 9 cases of autoimmune hepatitis (11 cases) had low echo of hepatic parenchyma, thickening and inhomogeneous, 2 cases had diffuse changes; 3 cases had enhanced echo of intrahepatic duct wall; 7 cases had thickened gallbladder wall, 2 cases had narrowed gallbladder cavity, 2 cases had solid changes of gallbladder; 3 cases had enlarged hilar lymph nodes; 9 cases had enlarged spleen (3 diameters were different from the control group); 7 cases had enlarged liver (right hepatic duct). The maximum oblique diameter of the lobe was 14.39 + 1.56, which was different from that of the control group. CDFI showed no special changes in blood flow in the liver.
5. Three cases of primary sclerosing cholangitis (5 cases) had scattered sheet echoes in the liver; three cases had irregular stenosis of the common bile duct wall (about 0.34-0.45 cm thick), stiff hyperechoic cords, and no obvious dilatation of the upper bile duct; one case had enhanced echoes of the extrahepatic bile duct wall with thickening of the duct wall; three cases had enhanced echoes of the intrahepatic bile duct wall; Limited dilatation of the third-grade intrahepatic bile duct was seen in 1 case, roughness and uneven thickening of the gallbladder wall in 5 cases, about 0.28-0.38 cm, with gallstones in 1 case, hepatomegaly in 2 cases, splenomegaly in 3 cases (thickness and anatomical diameter were the same as the control group), no enlargement of hilar lymph nodes, peak velocity of hepatic artery (72.57 + 3.21 cm/s) and resistance index (0.71 + 0.06). Compared with the control group, the portal vein velocity (18.07 + 1.26 cm/s) was different, and the internal diameter of portal vein (1.06 + 0.22 cm) was not different.
6. Primary biliary cirrhosis (1 case), the largest oblique diameter of the right lobe of the liver was 14.21 cm, suggesting enlargement of the liver; slightly enlarged or dense echoes of the liver parenchyma; relatively normal blood vessels in the liver; rough gallbladder wall; splenomegaly with 3 diameter lines of 10.4 cm X 4.1 cm X 13.8 cm; portal vein internal diameter of 1.28 cm; portal vein blood flow velocity with CDFI The degree was 16.21cm/s, the peak velocity of hepatic artery was 78.23cm/s, and the resistance index 0.78..
7. In Gilbert syndrome (3 cases), 1 case showed diffuse enhancement of hepatic parenchyma echo, 2 cases showed inhomogeneous enhancement of intrahepatic echo, the largest oblique diameter of the right lobe of the liver had no statistical difference, 3 cases had large spleen (the length and anatomical diameter were different from those of the control group), and CDFI showed no special changes of intrahepatic blood flow.
1. Ultrasound examination of diffuse hepatopathy showed that echo of liver parenchyma, biliary system, diameter and velocity of portal vein, peak velocity and resistance index of hepatic artery, and size of spleen could reflect the severity and development trend of hepatopathy to a great extent.
2. Drug-induced liver disease accounts for a large proportion of non-hepatitis virus-induced liver injury (52.11%). When ultrasound indicates liver injury, the possibility of drug-induced liver disease should be considered after excluding viral hepatitis.
3. The early clinical diagnosis of autoimmune heterosexual liver disease is difficult. Through the analysis of 11 cases of autoimmune hepatitis, 5 cases of primary sclerosing cholangitis and 1 case of primary biliary cirrhosis, the following points should be paid attention to in ultrasonic examination:
(1) The possibility of autoimmune hepatitis should be considered in patients with liver enlargement and negative viral markers.
(2) For patients with cholestasis, more attention should be paid to the thickening of bile duct wall and the severity of lumen stenosis, not to the thickening and narrowing of bile duct wall, slight dilatation of the upper bile duct as normal bile duct, so as to improve the diagnosis rate of primary sclerosing cholangitis.
(3) For patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension, the morphology, echo and blood flow of the liver were observed to observe the presence or absence of primary biliary cirrhosis.
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