[Abstract]:Objective to compare the characteristics of gallbladder morphology in children with biliary atresia jaundice and non-biliary atresia jaundice, and to evaluate the diagnostic value of high frequency ultrasound in the diagnosis of children with jaundice. Methods 22 children with biliary atresia (biliary atresia group) and 25 children with non-biliary atresia jaundice (non-biliary atresia group) were retrospectively analyzed. High frequency ultrasonic images of the state structure, The length, anterior and posterior diameter of gallbladder structure / gallbladder were compared between the two groups. Methods 1 (25 mm) and 2 (6 mm) were used to differentiate biliary atresia jaundice from non biliary atresia jaundice. Results there was no significant difference in the age of children with biliary atresia and non-biliary atresia (P0.05). The long diameter of cholecyst structure / gallbladder (16 卤8) mm and (29 卤7mm) in the biliary atresia group was shorter than that in the non-biliary atresia group (4 卤2) mm and (6 卤3) mm) (P0.05). Methods 1 the positive rate of biliary atresia jaundice was 82% (18 / 22) and that of non-biliary atresia jaundice was 88% (22 / 25). Methods the positive rate of biliary atresia jaundice was 91% (20 / 22) and that of non biliary atresia jaundice was 56% (14 / 25). There was no significant difference between the two methods in the detection rate of biliary atresia jaundice (蠂 20.77), and the detection rate of non-biliary atresia jaundice in method 1 was higher than that in method 2 (蠂 26.35 P 0.012). Conclusion Biliary atresia jaundice is similar to the long diameter of gallbladder structure / gallbladder, and the anteroposterior diameter is smaller than that of non-biliary atresia jaundice. High frequency ultrasound can clearly show the shape and structure of gallbladder, and it has good clinical value in differentiating the structure of gallbladder from that of normal gallbladder. The critical point of cholecyst structure / gallbladder length 25 mm can better distinguish biliary atresia jaundice from non biliary atresia jaundice.
【作者单位】: 河北医科大学第二医院超声科;
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