发布时间:2019-05-18 01:51
【摘要】:正1.1资料患者男,48岁。因腹痛到当地医院就诊,B超检查发现左肾上腺占位,未做处理,为求进一步治疗来我院。体格检查:一般情况可,神志清,腹部平软,无压痛及反跳痛,肾区无叩痛,大小便正常,体质量无明显变化。体温36.6℃,脉搏86次/min,呼吸23次/min,血压129/84 mm Hg。1.2方法1.2.1 CT检查CT平扫见左侧肾上腺有一类圆形实性肿块,边缘清晰,密度欠均匀,中心可见更低密度区(图1A);增强扫描动脉期见肿块边缘有斑点状强化,强化程度与同层腹主动脉相同(图1B);静脉期见增强范围向中心扩大(图1C);延迟期强化范围进一步扩大,强化程度减低(图1D)。
[Abstract]:Positive 1.1 data patient male, 48 years old. Because of abdominal pain to the local hospital, B-ultrasound examination found that the left adrenal gland occupied space, did not do treatment, in order to seek further treatment to our hospital. Physical examination: general condition is clear, abdomen flat soft, no tenderness and rebound pain, no tapping pain in renal area, normal stool and urine, no significant change in body mass. The body temperature was 36.6 鈩,
[Abstract]:Positive 1.1 data patient male, 48 years old. Because of abdominal pain to the local hospital, B-ultrasound examination found that the left adrenal gland occupied space, did not do treatment, in order to seek further treatment to our hospital. Physical examination: general condition is clear, abdomen flat soft, no tenderness and rebound pain, no tapping pain in renal area, normal stool and urine, no significant change in body mass. The body temperature was 36.6 鈩,