发布时间:2019-08-01 08:11
【摘要】:正病例男,16岁,因深呼吸后右侧胸痛4天入院。查体:右侧胸廓呼吸度减弱,右肺语颤减弱,叩诊右肺上部实音,下部浊音,听诊呼吸音减弱。胸部CT示:右侧胸腔内见一混杂密度影,其内可见脂肪密度,CT值约为-93~30 HU,边界较清楚,大小约11.2 cm×9.5 cm,增强扫描病变实性部分不均匀强化,中间低密度区未见明显强化;右肺受压膨胀不良,升主动
[Abstract]:The male, aged 16, was admitted to hospital for 4 days with right chest pain after deep breathing. Body examination: right chest breathing degree weakened, right lung tremor weakened, tapping right lung upper real sound, lower turbid sound, auscultation breath absorption weakened. Chest CT showed that there was a mixed density in the right chest, and the fat density was seen in the right chest. The CT value was about-93 鈮,
[Abstract]:The male, aged 16, was admitted to hospital for 4 days with right chest pain after deep breathing. Body examination: right chest breathing degree weakened, right lung tremor weakened, tapping right lung upper real sound, lower turbid sound, auscultation breath absorption weakened. Chest CT showed that there was a mixed density in the right chest, and the fat density was seen in the right chest. The CT value was about-93 鈮,