实训中心 的翻译结果
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Design and Implementation of the Business Management Subject Actual Training Center Management System
The higher and vocational colleges and universities set up the actual training center management system in connection with the business management subject and it has the necessity and feasibility, combining the penman's construction condition of the business management subject actual training center at the college, we should make use of the computer technology, and we should make some exploration on the aspect of establishing the management system at the actual training center with the subject of the business management.
In order to strengthen the training of comprehensive capacity and quality for colleges and universities students, part colleges and universities make the improvement of teaching model on practice base in the near years. They build and prepare setting up the practice center of skill training, the industry center of profession practice, the innovation center of science and technology developing for suiting the need of different teaching on higher vocational education and special course education and undergraduate course education and postgraduate education.
为了加强高校学生综合能力与素质的培养 ,近年来部分高校对校内实践基地的教学模式进行改革与创新 ,建立了或正在筹建以技能训练为主的实训中心、专业实践为主的工业中心和科技开发为主的创新中心 ,适应高职、专科、本科、研究生等不同层次教学的实践需要
The discussion about Practical Teaching Center Establishment of Printing Engineering
The printing engineering practical teaching center (PEPTC) has been one of teaching features of BIGC for many years, so it's very important to reinforce and improve the establishment of PEPTC.
The Design of Web-based Training Teaching Management System in Industrial Training Centre
Expand the function of engineering training center, study the relation of engineering training and cultivate high quality talent. This article discusses the important ways to the engineering training, comprehensive engineering practice and exploring creativity.
A study on feasibility of construction of mother-infant nursing practice and training center
Architectural Harmonization:Guangdong Industrial Training Center
Instruction of Gynecological and Obstetrical Nursing in the Nursing Training Center
practice center
The first is that the Evidence-based Practice Center at McMaster University, under contract with the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, produced an evidence based report on the treatment of ADHD.
This article derives from an evidence report on diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorders (dysphagia) in acute-car stroke patients prepared by us as an Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) under contract to the U.S.
Perceptions of physician behaviors were measured by a questionnaire administered to 329 patients of 54 residents in a family practice center.
Health Hazard Appraisal in a family practice center: An exploratory study
A descriptive analysis of emergency visits to an inner city family practice center
The job groups of engineering institute students are in the engineering and the production of cartel.It demands that they be strongly capable of specialized skill,engineering applying and innovation.In view of the training aim for electrical automation profession,this article proposes founding engineering drilling center,points out selecting principle on device of the drilling center,and introduces the method of founding engineering drilling center in electrical automation techniques and its practical result....
The job groups of engineering institute students are in the engineering and the production of cartel.It demands that they be strongly capable of specialized skill,engineering applying and innovation.In view of the training aim for electrical automation profession,this article proposes founding engineering drilling center,points out selecting principle on device of the drilling center,and introduces the method of founding engineering drilling center in electrical automation techniques and its practical result.
高等工程专科毕业生的工作岗位均在工程、生产第一线 ,要求学生具有较强的专业工作技能、工程实践能力和创新能力。针对电气自动化专业学生的培养目标 ,提出了建立电气自动化技术工程实训中心 ,指出了实训中心设备装置的选择原则 ,介绍了我院建立电气自动化技术工程实训中心的方法及实施效果。
This paper introduced some thoughts of establishing Shanghai Automobile Engineering Center, as well as the softwares and hardwares, and the teaching means of the center. The teaching aim and training tasks of the center were also discussed to afford the basis for establishing the center as a multi-purpose learning-working-researching cooperative base, and fostering high quality students with practical experiences.
介绍了建设上海市汽车工程实训中心的基本思路 ,以及软硬件环境和所采用的教学手段和方法 ,并探讨了“中心”的教学目标与实训内容 ,为建成多功能的产学研合作基地和培养高素质的应用型人才提供依据。
In order to strengthen the training of comprehensive capacity and quality for colleges and universities students, part colleges and universities make the improvement of teaching model on practice base in the near years. They build and prepare setting up the practice center of skill training, the industry center of profession practice, the innovation center of science and technology developing for suiting the need of different teaching on higher vocational education and special course education and undergraduate...
In order to strengthen the training of comprehensive capacity and quality for colleges and universities students, part colleges and universities make the improvement of teaching model on practice base in the near years. They build and prepare setting up the practice center of skill training, the industry center of profession practice, the innovation center of science and technology developing for suiting the need of different teaching on higher vocational education and special course education and undergraduate course education and postgraduate education.
为了加强高校学生综合能力与素质的培养 ,近年来部分高校对校内实践基地的教学模式进行改革与创新 ,建立了或正在筹建以技能训练为主的实训中心、专业实践为主的工业中心和科技开发为主的创新中心 ,适应高职、专科、本科、研究生等不同层次教学的实践需要
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