发布时间:2019-08-05 11:34
【摘要】:目的提高对急性纤维素性机化性肺炎(AFOP)临床特征的认识。方法分析福州肺科医院收治的1例确诊AFOP,并通过万方数据库检索关键词"纤维素性机化性肺炎"进行文献复习。结果共检索到4篇文献9例病例,加上该院1例,共10例病例。男7例,女3例,年龄43~78岁。临床症状及检查:咳嗽8例,胸闷、气促、呼吸困难8例,发热9例,4例肺部闻及爆裂音,白细胞升高2例,中性粒细胞升高6例,C反应蛋白(CRP)升高9例,红细胞沉降率(ESR)增快8例,PO2波动于54~69 mm Hg;胸部CT有3例初始是单侧病变,7例双侧病变,影像特征主要为斑片、实变影、磨玻璃影,可伴有支气管充气征。确诊均通过病理活检,6例行肺穿刺,3例行纤维支气管镜(纤支镜),1例既做肺穿刺又做纤支镜检查。治疗均应用甲泼尼龙,无机械通气病例,死亡1例。结论 AFOP作为新型的间质性肺病,病因不明,好发于中老年人,临床表现类似"肺炎",易误诊,确诊有赖于组织病理,糖皮质激素疗效好,但激素用量、疗程无定论,远期疗效未知。
[Abstract]:Objective to improve the understanding of (AFOP) clinical features of acute cellulose-induced organic pneumonia. Methods A case of AFOP, diagnosed in Fuzhou Lung Hospital was analyzed and the key word "Cellulose Organizing pneumonia" was searched by Wanfang Database for literature review. Results A total of 9 cases of 4 articles were searched, plus 1 case of this hospital, a total of 10 cases. There were 7 males and 3 females, aged 43 鈮,
[Abstract]:Objective to improve the understanding of (AFOP) clinical features of acute cellulose-induced organic pneumonia. Methods A case of AFOP, diagnosed in Fuzhou Lung Hospital was analyzed and the key word "Cellulose Organizing pneumonia" was searched by Wanfang Database for literature review. Results A total of 9 cases of 4 articles were searched, plus 1 case of this hospital, a total of 10 cases. There were 7 males and 3 females, aged 43 鈮,