发布时间:2018-05-09 02:34
本文选题:D2-40 + 淋巴通路 ; 参考:《首都医科大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的探索D2-40在正常淋巴结及病变淋巴结的表达特征并总结其规律。方法收集北京友谊医院病理科正常淋巴结54枚、病变淋巴结36枚,观察HE切片组织形态,应用免疫组织化学Eli Vision法对淋巴结行D2-40染色,观察D2-40免疫表型特征。结果1.D2-40在正常淋巴结被膜下窦呈阳性(49/54),淋巴窦呈阴性或弱阳性(49/54)。但有4枚淋巴结淋巴窦明显扩张,窦内皮细胞增生,淋巴窦周围可见大量的浆细胞聚集,此时淋巴窦D2-40染色强阳性。2.D2-40在正常淋巴结(16/54)的滤泡间区、副皮质区可见多量D2-40染色阳性的管状结构,这些小管即为文献报道的淋巴迷路。3.增生活跃的淋巴结(14/54)较增生不活跃淋巴结(40/54)内淋巴迷路数量多,染色强,差异存在统计学意义(P0.05)。4.癌转移淋巴结15枚,9/15枚淋巴结残存的被膜下窦D2-40染色呈阳性,淋巴窦均阴性。3枚淋巴结(胃印戒细胞癌2枚,未确定类型癌1枚),癌组织被淋巴迷路包围,并不破坏淋巴结的结构。5.淋巴瘤淋巴结21枚,16/18枚淋巴结被膜下窦D2-40染色呈阳性,淋巴窦阴性。18/21枚淋巴结内可见淋巴迷路,但数量及染色强度未见明显规律。结论1.D2-40不仅在淋巴管内皮细胞表达,也可在淋巴窦内皮细胞表达,特别是被膜下窦。2.淋巴结的副皮质区存在多量D2-40染色阳性的小管状结构,即淋巴迷路。本研究首次通过D2-40染色印证了人体淋巴结内存在淋巴迷路。3.增殖状态的淋巴结内淋巴迷路的数量更多,D2-40染色更强。4.D2-40免疫组化染色显示淋巴迷路比传统的扫描电镜方法更实用、简单有效,为研究淋巴结内淋巴网路提供了新的手段。5.通过D2-40研究淋巴窦和淋巴迷路,有助于更清晰地认识淋巴结的基本结构、更好地理解淋巴结内疾病形成的规律。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the expression of D 2-40 in normal and diseased lymph nodes. Methods 54 normal lymph nodes and 36 diseased lymph nodes were collected from Department of Pathology of Beijing Friendship Hospital. Histological morphology of HE sections was observed. D2-40 staining of lymph nodes was performed by immunohistochemical Eli Vision method, and immunophenotypic characteristics of D2-40 were observed. Results 1.D2-40 was positive in the submembranous sinus of normal lymph nodes (49 / 54) and negative or weakly positive in the lymphatic sinus (49 / 54). But there were 4 lymph nodes dilated obviously, the endothelial cells proliferated, and a large number of plasma cells gathered around the lymphatic sinus. At this time, the D2-40 staining of lymphatic sinus was strongly positive in the follicular area of normal lymph nodes at 16 / 54). A large number of D2-40 staining positive tubular structures were found in the paracortical region, and these tubules were reported as lymphatic labyrinth. 3. The number of endolymphatic labyrinths in hyperplastic lymph nodes (14 / 54) was more than that in inactive hyperplastic lymph nodes (40 / 54), and the difference was statistically significant (P 0.05). Of 15 metastatic lymph nodes, 15 / 15 lymph nodes were positive for D2-40 staining in the submembranous sinus, and 3 lymph nodes were negative for all lymph sinuses (2 signet-ring cell carcinoma of stomach, 1 carcinoma of undetermined type, surrounded by lymphatic labyrinth). Does not destroy the structure of lymph nodes. In 21 lymph nodes of 16 / 18 lymphomas, D2-40 staining was positive in the submembranous sinus of 18 lymph nodes, and lymphatic labyrinth could be seen in 21 lymph nodes with negative lymphatic sinus. However, the quantity and intensity of the staining were not regular. Conclusion 1.D2-40 is expressed not only in lymphatic endothelial cells, but also in lymphatic sinus endothelial cells, especially in submembranous sinus. There are many D 2-40 positive tubular structures in the paracortex of lymph nodes, I. e., lymphatic labyrinth. In this study, D 2-40 staining was used for the first time to confirm the existence of lymphatic labyrinth. 3. The number of endolymphatic labyrinth in proliferative lymph nodes is more numerous. D2-40 staining is stronger. 4. D2-40 immunohistochemical staining shows that lymphatic labyrinth is more practical, simple and effective than traditional scanning electron microscopy, which provides a new method for the study of endolymphatic network in lymph nodes. The study of lymphatic sinus and lymphatic labyrinth by D2-40 is helpful to understand the basic structure of lymph nodes and to better understand the formation of diseases in lymph nodes.
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