[Abstract]:Objective to establish a simple and efficient (SSCs) isolation and culture system for mouse spermatogonial stem cells and to detect the expression of related stem cell markers in order to provide a basis for the screening and identification of antitumor stem cell drugs using SSCs. Methods the anatomical characteristics of the seminiferous duct of DBA/2 neonatal rats (68 days old) and adult rats (26 weeks old 28 weeks old) were compared by histochemical method. Primary cells were prepared from the testis of newborn mice and the digestibility of different digestive enzymes was compared. Using differential adherent method, that is, testicular somatic cells adhered to gelatin but spermatogonia did not adhere to the wall, enriched SSCs.. The effects of culture system, gelatin and serum on cell adhesion and growth performance on StemPro34 and 伪-MEM culture medium were compared, and the cell morphology of different culture time was observed. The expression of (CSCs) related markers of SSCs and tumor stem cells was identified by immunofluorescence assay. Results the content of spermatogonium in testis of neonatal rats was relatively high, and a large number of primary cells could be obtained after trypsin digestion. Under the condition of 1% fetal bovine serum and gelatin board, the adherent of somatic cells was more adequate on StemPro34 medium. The isolated spermatogonia grew well in the feeder layer of somatic cells treated with mitomycin C and showed typical SSCs growth characteristics. The results of immunofluorescence showed that the glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family receptor 伪 1 (GFR 伪 1) and VASA protein were highly expressed in the cell spheres. CD44, a CSCs marker, was expressed in the cells and the inner cells of the spheres of As,Apr,Aal at all stages, but almost not in the somatic cells. Conclusion the isolation and in vitro culture system of SSCs from DBA/2 mice were established. CD44 was expressed strongly in spermatogonial cells at the early stage of development.
【作者单位】: 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院医药生物技术研究所肿瘤室;
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