[Abstract]:After the idea of "platinum ten minutes" was put forward, the concept of narrow sense and broad sense was gradually formed, which was widely paid attention to and accepted by peers in professional field and society. In Platinum Ten minutes, there is a blind area of first aid, which includes two periods of "emergency blank time" and "medical blank time". First aid timeliness is the starting point and destination of emergency rescue decision and practice. The best rescue time value should be grasped from three aspects of time, space and personnel, and the rescue decision should point to "platinum ten minutes" with the best time limit. The public is the core force of self-saving and mutual rescue, and the main force to fill in the blank time of rescue. According to the new definition of self-rescue and mutual rescue from the point of view of "platinum ten minutes", self-rescue and mutual rescue is the beginning and foundation of all first aid, and has a higher time value than professional rescue, and can not be replaced by professional rescue. It also provides the basis for professional medical treatment. It is an equally important and unified first aid stage with professional treatment. It is an independent link in the rescue and rescue chain. The quality of this initial link directly determines the effect of subsequent treatment. " Ten minutes of Platinum is a flag of timeliness. It points to the weakest and most effective public rescue and mutual rescue in the chain of first aid. Its successful implementation can maximize the potential of time-saving. Under the new situation, the new concept of self-rescue and mutual rescue should become a national strategy.
【作者单位】: 解放军总医院第一附属医院急救部;
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6 谢s,