[Abstract]:Aim: to investigate the effectiveness of optical labeling of SD rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) with fluorescent luciferase (Fluc) and fluorescent dye CyI (Cy5 derivative) in vitro. BMSCs/Fluc labeled with CyI dye was implanted into myocardial tissue of rats with different body weight and acute myocardial infarction in mice to explore the feasibility of optical tracing stem cells in different animal models. The survival, proliferation, migration and teratoma formation of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) labeled BMSCs/Fluc, double mode tracer stem cells after implantation of myocardial tissue. Methods: SD rat BMSCs/Fluc which was successfully transfected and stably expressed Fluc was prepared into different concentrations of cell fluid. In vitro bioluminescence imaging (BLI),) was performed to verify the effectiveness of Fluc labeling. BMSCs/Fluc was incubated with different CyI concentration and incubation time. Fluorescence imaging in vitro was performed to determine the appropriate incubation conditions. The culture medium containing USPIO (40 渭 g/ml) and polylysine (PLL,1.5 渭 g/ml) was incubated with BMSCs/Fluc for 24 h. Prussian blue staining was used to observe the distribution of iron granulosa cells in 5 rats with 20 to 25 g Bal b / c each. The myocardial infarction model was established by ligation of the anterior descending coronary artery. The BLI, selective positive animal model (Bal b / c mice) was performed on the first day after the implantation of CyI labeled BMSCs/Fluc, (Bal b / c mice). The myocardial infarction model of Bal / b / c mice was implanted with USPIO labeled with USPIO for 6 days, then bioluminescent imaging was performed on the first day, and magnetic resonance imaging was performed on the third day after the operation. HE staining and Prussian blue staining were used to observe the distribution of USPIO particles in myocardium. Results the fluorescence intensity was the strongest at the concentration of 1.0 脳 10 ~ (-6) and the incubation time of 4 h. The number of dead cells did not change obviously. The intensity of light signal of both Cyi and Fluc increased linearly with the increase of the number of cells. In vivo optical imaging, there was no CyI fluorescence signal in heart of rats and mice with different body weight, but BLI visible signal was observed in isolated myocardial infarction model of Bal / b / c mice. However, BLI of SD rats did not see. USPIO-labeled BMSCs/Fluc was implanted into myocardial tissue of Bal b / c mice. The light intensity of BLI decreased gradually within 9 days, indicating that stem cells died gradually, no proliferation, migration and teratoma formation. Mr imaging showed the left ventricular anterior wall with low signal intensity. Pathological results showed that the distribution of USPIO was consistent with that of transplanted stem cells in myocardium. Conclusion: (1) the concentration of Cyi was 1.0 脳 10-6mol/L for 4 h, and the fluorescence intensity increased with the increase of the number of cells in vitro, which showed a linear relationship. 2Fluc could locally inject stem cells into myocardium of Bal b / c mouse myocardial infarction model. In vivo bioluminescent imaging with Cyi fluorescent dye could be used to trace the stem cells to transplanted stem cells in vitro. 3After implantation of BMSCs/Fluc labeled with USPIO into myocardial tissue of Bal b / c mice, the bioluminescence signal decreased gradually, indicating that stem cells died gradually, without proliferation, migration and teratoma formation. MRI can trace the BMSCs/Fluc labeled by USPIO in vivo and the pathological results show that the distribution of USPIO and transplanted stem cells in myocardium is the same as that of transplanted stem cells.
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