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发布时间:2018-02-19 19:27

  本文关键词: 居民 重性抑郁障碍 轻度抑郁障碍 人格 研究 出处:《大理大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:【目的】通过对天津市社区居民抑郁障碍人群的现况调查,探讨重性抑郁障碍和轻度抑郁障碍被试在大五人格方面的差异,从人格维度论证两者是属于同一疾病谱系或不同的疾病亚型,为抑郁障碍疾病的研究提供依据。【方法】对来自于2011年天津市社区居民精神障碍流行病学调查项目中的1733名调查对象(精神障碍组被试1063人,健康对照组被试670人)在2016年进行现况调查。采用调查员入户与调查对象面对面访谈的调查方式,正式调查分为两阶段,第一阶段为由精神科护士进行的关于社会人口学资料、大五人格问卷的访谈;第二阶段为由精神科医生使用SCID(Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR)对被试进行访谈,最后给出终生患和现患精神障碍诊断。统计分析时把调查对象分为重性抑郁障碍组(Major Depressive Disorder,MDD组)、轻度抑郁障碍组(Minor Depressive Disorder,MiDD组)和健康对照组3组。分类变量在三组之间的差异比较采用χ2检验,人格问卷得分不符合参数检验条件,故采用Kruskal-Wallis Test等非参数秩和检验,其中多组间的两两比较采用调整检验水准ɑ’0.017认为有统计学意义。多因素分析采用非条件Logisitic回归分析(Forward向前法),选入变量与剔除变量的标准均采用系统默认的检验水准,P0.05认为有统计学意义。【结果】1.MDD与大五人格五维度的研究发现,MDD组神经质得分明显高于MiDD组和健康对照组,高神经质得分与抑郁症状是相关联的。MDD组的外倾性得分明显低于健康对照组,而与MiDD组间的差异没有统计学意义。MDD组的尽责性得分低于健康对照组。宜人性和开放性得分上3组时序被试之间没有差异。2.MiDD与大五人格五维度的研究发现,神经质得分上MiDD组与健康对照组之间没有差异,MiDD组和MDD组之间有差异。外倾性得分方面的差异较大,终身患的MiDD组与MDD组没有差异,MiDD和健康对照组之间有差异;现患的MiDD组与MDD组和健康对照组之间没有差异。宜人性得分方面,MiDD组与健康对照组有差异,MiDD组与MDD组没有差异。开放性和尽责性得分方面,3组时序被试之间没有差异。3.MDD和MiDD差异的研究发现,MDD和MiDD被试在性别、年龄、工作和婚姻状况中没有任何明显的不同。在受教育程度和大五人格维度上存在差异,而且MDD组和MiDD组被试的神经质人格缺乏一致性,在外倾性得分和宜人性得分的差异较为明显。【结论】1 MDD与MiDD患者之间神经质得分差异显著,外倾性得分、宜人性得分和尽责性得分上MDD和MiDD患者之间的差异在不同时序阶段拥有不同的结果,开放性得分差异不显著。2 MDD和天津市社区居民重性抑郁障碍与轻度抑郁障碍人格特征研究D患者人格各维度之间存在差异,归属于不同的疾病谱系,两者之间的差异尚需进一步研究。3鉴于在抑郁障碍不同发作类型中人格的差异,人格与抑郁障碍的发生与发展关系的研究应该得到重视。
[Abstract]:[objective] to investigate the difference of personality between the subjects with severe depression and mild depressive disorder in five years by investigating the status of depressive disorder in community residents in Tianjin, and to explore the difference between major depressive disorder and mild depressive disorder. According to the personality dimension, they belong to the same disease pedigree or different disease subtypes. [methods] A total of 1 733 subjects (1 063 people in the mental disorder group) who were investigated in the epidemiological survey of mental disorders among community residents in Tianjin in 2011 were selected as the basis for the study of depressive disorders. In 2016, the health control group (670 subjects) conducted a status survey. The investigation was conducted in the form of face-to-face interviews between the investigators and the subjects. The formal investigation was divided into two stages. The first stage was about social demographics conducted by psychiatric nurses. In the second stage, the psychiatrist used SCID(Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TRto to interview the subjects. The subjects were divided into three groups: major Depressive disorder group, minor Depressive disorder group and healthy control group. The differences were compared by 蠂 2 test. The scores of personality questionnaire did not meet the requirements of parameter test, so the non-parametric rank sum test, such as Kruskal-Wallis Test, was used. Multivariate Logisitic regression analysis was used to forward forward method, and the criteria for selecting variables and eliminating variables were all adopted the default test of the system. The standard of selecting variables and eliminating variables were adopted by the system default test, and the multivariate analysis was based on the non conditional Logisitic regression analysis and forward forward method, and the criteria for selecting variables and eliminating variables were all adopted by the system default test. [results] 1. The scores of neuroticism in MDD group were significantly higher than those in MiDD group and healthy control group. The extroversion score in MDD group was significantly lower than that in healthy control group. The scores of due diligence in the MiDD group were lower than those in the healthy control group. There was no difference in neuroticism between MiDD group and healthy control group. There was significant difference in extroversion score between MiDD group and MDD group, but there was no difference between MiDD group and MDD group. There was no difference between the current MiDD group and the MDD group and the healthy control group. There was no difference between the mild humanity score and the healthy control group. There was no difference between the MiDD group and the MDD group. The study of the difference between MDD and MiDD found that the subjects of MDD and MiDD were in sex, There was no significant difference in age, work and marital status. There were significant differences in education and five dimensions of personality, and there was a lack of consistency in neurotic personality between the MDD group and the MiDD group. [conclusion] 1 there were significant differences in neuroticism between MDD and MiDD patients, extroversion scores, and extraversion scores. The differences between patients with MDD and MiDD in the scores of suitably human nature and due diligence had different results at different time stages. There was no significant difference in opening score between 2. 2 MDD and the personality characteristics of major depression disorder and mild depression disorder in community residents in Tianjin; there were differences in personality dimensions of D patients, which belonged to different disease pedigree. In view of the personality differences in different attack types of depression disorder, the relationship between personality and the occurrence and development of depression disorder should be paid more attention to.


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