本文关键词: 城市 老年人 社会资本 焦虑 抑郁 出处:《中国心理卫生杂志》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the relationship between social capital and anxiety and depression in urban elderly. Methods: 925 urban elderly aged over 60 years old were investigated by self-filled questionnaire, and their social capital status was measured by self-designed social capital questionnaire. The factors of social capital were extracted by exploratory factor analysis, and the anxiety and depression were measured by self rating anxiety scale (SAS) and self rating Depression scale (SDSs) respectively. The social capital factor and anxiety were analyzed based on logistic model. Results: the mean value of SAS standard score of subjects was 35.8 卤6.9, and that of anxiety patients was 41.9 卤8.7. Logistic regression analysis showed that depression was associated with social support factor. Mutual aid and sense of security "factor", "social participation" factor correlation (P0.05); "sense of social support" or "social support" 0.2995 CI0.20 0.44, "trust," Mutual aid and sense of security are the protective factors of depression. There is no significant correlation between social capital factors and anxiety. Conclusion: there is no significant correlation between social capital factors and anxiety. Conclusion: the relationship between social capital factors and anxiety is not statistically significant, but there is no significant correlation between social capital factors and anxiety. Conclusion: the relationship between social capital factors and anxiety is not statistically significant, but there is no significant correlation between social capital factors and anxiety. Conclusion: the relationship between social capital factors and anxiety is not statistically significant, but there is no significant correlation between social capital factors and anxiety. Cognitive social capital and social participation are positively correlated with the mental health of older persons, Attention should be paid to whether the elderly in the city can get enough support, trust and security in their families and communities, and increase the opportunities for the elderly to participate in community activities.
【作者单位】: 西安交通大学药学院药事管理与临床药学系;西安交通大学药品安全与政策研究中心;山东大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学研究所;山东大学体育学院;山东大学卫生管理与政策研究中心;
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