本文选题:孤独症谱系障碍 + 高频经颅磁刺激 ; 参考:《山东医药》2016年15期
【摘要】:目的比较不同部位经颅重复高频磁刺激联合康复训练治疗小儿孤独症谱系障碍的效果。方法 73例孤独症谱系障碍患儿随机分为A组(24例)、B组(24例)、C组(25例),3组均采用传统康复治疗,A组在此基础上加用经颅重复高频磁刺激左侧Broca区,B组在此基础上加用经颅重复高频磁刺激左侧背外侧前额叶区,比较各组孤独症行为量表(ABC量表,包含交往、感觉、躯体运动、语言、生活自理5个评分因子)评分、儿童孤独症评定量表(CARS量表)评分及0~6岁小儿神经心理发育量表评分[以发育商(DQ)表示]。结果与治疗前比较,A组治疗后交往、语言、CARS量表评分降低,DQ值升高;与治疗前比较,B组治疗后躯体运动、生活自理、CARS量表评分降低,DQ值升高;与治疗前比较,C组治疗后交往、语言生活自理、CARS量表评分降低,DQ值升高;P均0.05。与C组比较,A组交往、语言、CARS量表评分降低,DQ值升高;与C组比较,B组躯体运动评分降低,DQ值升高;P均0.05。与B组比较,A组交往、语言、CARS量表评分降低,躯体运动评分及DQ值升高,P均0.05。结论经颅重复高频磁刺激额叶联合康复训练可改善小儿孤独症谱系障碍症状,且刺激 Broca 区在交往和言语上的疗效优于刺激背外侧前额叶区。复高频磁刺激额叶联合康复训练可改善小儿孤独症谱系障碍症状,且刺激Broca区在交往和言语上的疗效优于刺激背外侧前额叶区。
[Abstract]:Objective to compare the effects of transcranial repetitive high frequency magnetic stimulation (THF) combined with rehabilitation training in the treatment of pediatric autism spectrum disorders. Methods 73 children with autism spectrum disorder were randomly divided into group A (n = 24), group B (n = 24), group C (n = 24) and group C (n = 25). All patients in group A were treated with traditional rehabilitation therapy. Transcranial repetitive high-frequency magnetic stimulation of left dorsolateral prefrontal lobe, The autistic behavior scale (ABC) was compared in each group, which included five score factors: communication, sensation, somatic movement, language and self-care of life. The rating scale for Autism in Children (cars) and the Neuropsychological Development scale for Children aged 0 to 6 (expressed by development quotient (DQ). Results compared with those before and after treatment, the scores of language cars scale decreased and DQ increased in group A, somatic movement and self-care car scale decreased after treatment in group B, and communication after treatment in group C was higher than that in group C before and after treatment. The score of cars scale decreased and DQ increased (P < 0.05). Compared with group C, the scores of language car scale decreased and DQ increased in group A, and the scores of somatic motor in group B decreased and DQ increased (P < 0.05), compared with group C, the scores of somatic motor scores in group B were significantly lower than those in group C (P < 0.05). Compared with group B, the scores of car scale decreased, the scores of somatic motor and DQ increased (P < 0.05). Conclusion Transcranial repetitive high frequency magnetic stimulation combined with rehabilitation training in frontal lobe can improve the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders in children, and stimulation of Broca area is more effective than stimulation of dorsolateral prefrontal lobe area in communication and speech. Combined rehabilitation training in frontal lobe with high frequency magnetic stimulation can improve the symptoms of autism spectrum disorders in children, and stimulation of Broca area is better than that of stimulation of dorsolateral prefrontal lobe area in communication and speech.
【作者单位】: 徐州市儿童医院;
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