[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the prevalence of depressive symptoms in college students and their relationship with cognitive characteristics such as attribution style, coping style and dysfunctional attitude, and to analyze the cognitive characteristics of college students and their influence on the occurrence of depressive symptoms, and to explore the cognitive susceptibility to depressive symptoms.
Methods: taking a Medical University in Hefei of Anhui as the research site and taking 1498 college students in grade 1-4 of the school as the research object, the flow call depression scale, attribution style questionnaire, coping style questionnaire and dysfunctional attitude questionnaire were used to investigate the prevalence of College Students' depressive symptoms. And its relationship with attribution style, coping style and dysfunctional attitudes.
The first grade clinical medical students who had no obvious symptoms of depression set up a study cohort for the study, using the flow call depression scale, attributable style questionnaire, coping style questionnaire, dysfunctional attitude questionnaire, life event scale and social support scale, and observed the changes of cognitive characteristics and their inhibition in 2 cases. The effect of the symptoms of depression; the cognitive characteristics of the follow-up subjects were divided into normal group and abnormal group, and the incidence of depressive symptoms in college students with different cognitive characteristics in normal group and abnormal group and abnormal group was compared, and the cognitive susceptibility factors of depressive symptoms were discussed.
Results: the cross-sectional survey showed that the prevalence rate of depressive symptoms in college students was 28.2%, girls were lower than boys (~2=7.925, P0.01), and rural students were higher than urban students (x ~2=10.269, P0.01). The detection rates of depressive symptoms from freshmen to fourth grade were 22.5%, 31.3%, 31.4% and 26.1% (x ~2=10.306, P0.05). There was a positive correlation between the scores of depressive symptoms and the negative attribution scores in the attribution style of the students of different sexes and grades (gamma =0.202~0.275, P0.01); the depression score of the subjects, the scores of depression and the positive attribution in the attribution style of the students of different sexes and freshmen, sophomores and sophomores There was a negative correlation between the scores (gamma =-0.088~-0.179, P0.05); the total score of depression in the subjects, the scores of depressive symptoms in boys and sophomores and the negative internal attribution scores in the attribution style were negatively correlated (gamma =-0.088~-0.129, P0.05); the depression score of the freshmen and the positive internal attribution score in the attribution style were between the scores of the students and the attribution style. There was a positive correlation (P0.01); there was a negative correlation between the scores of College Students' depression symptoms and the two dimensions of problem solving and help seeking in coping styles (gamma =-0.417~-0.230, P0.01), but there was a positive correlation between the scores of four dimensions of self reproach, fantasy, retreat and rationalization in coping styles (gamma =0.216~0.466, P0.01); and the total depression symptoms of college students were total. There was a positive correlation between the scores of depressive symptoms and dysfunctional attitudes among different sexes and grades (gamma =0.460~0.526, P0.01).
The study cohort was set up for the students who were not depressed in the first year of the University. The results of the half year and one year follow-up rate of the study cohort were 85.2% and 93.3%., respectively. The results showed that 76.7% of the students in the dysfunctional attitude score group were in the normal state and 23.3% of the students were abnormal. 68.2% of the students in the dysfunctional attitude score group remained unchanged, and 31.8% of the students turned to normal (P0.01). The abnormal proportion of the students in the dysfunctional attitude score group was 12.4% at one year's follow-up, and the normal proportion was 87.6%. The students in the dysfunctional attitude score group turned to the correct one year follow-up. The proportion of normal and still abnormal students was 65.4% and 34.6% (P0.01). A half year follow-up study showed that the incidence of depressive symptoms in three students with normal cognitive characteristics and at least one abnormality was 5.6% and 15.8% respectively. The normal group was significantly lower than the abnormal group (x ~2=6.383, P0.05), and the one year follow-up of depression like hair. The rate of birth was 13.2% and 29.3% respectively, and the normal group was significantly lower than that of the abnormal group (x ~2=10.192, P0.01). The results of the follow-up survey for half a year found that the incidence of depressive symptoms was 7.9% and 15.8% (x ~2=3.909, P0.05) in the follow-up subjects with optimistic and pessimistic attribution style, and the incidence of depressive symptoms was respectively in the follow-up subjects with positive and depolarization coping styles, respectively 8.9% and 21.6% (x ~2=6.502, P0.05); the incidence of depressive symptoms in students with dysfunctional attitude score was 9.5%, and the incidence of depressive symptoms in abnormal group was 20.5% (x ~2=4.298, P0.05). The results of one year follow-up survey showed that the incidence of depression symptoms in the follow-up subjects with negative coping style was significantly higher than those of the positive coping style. The incidence of depression was 42.3% and 17.7% (x ~2=14.774, P0.01), and the incidence of depressive symptoms in the patients with dysfunctional attitude score group was significantly higher than that in the normal group, and the incidence of depressive symptoms was 48.1% and 16.4% respectively (x ~2=24.523, P0.01). The highest incidence of symptoms was 36.4%. The incidence of depressive symptoms in two cognitive and cognitive abnormality was 17.1% and 12.8% respectively (x ~2=10.639, P0.01). One year follow-up survey showed that there were three cases of cognitive assessment with the highest incidence of depressive symptoms (70%), and two cognitive assessment abnormality (36.4%). The lowest (22.3%) (22.3%) (chi, P0.01).Cox regression analysis showed that negative coping and dysfunctional attitudes were all risk factors for depressive symptoms (RR=1.79,95%CI:1.01~3.17 and RR=2.39,95%CI:1.40~4.08).
Conclusion: the proportion of college students with depressive symptoms is higher, the depression symptoms and attribution style, the coping style and the dysfunctional attitude are closely related, pessimistic attribution, negative coping style and dysfunctional attitude are the high risk factors that lead to depressive symptoms, the three may have joint effect on depressive symptoms and negative coping. Abnormal attitude and dysfunctional attitude predict the occurrence of depression.
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