[Abstract]:Social anxiety is a kind of negative emotion, which is common in the public, and can damage the social function and cardiovascular system. In addition, social anxiety can also develop into social anxiety disorders, causing great physical and mental pain and suffering. Therefore, it is very meaningful to evaluate people's social anxiety in time and adopt effective affective adjustment programs to help them get rid of social anxiety. Social anxiety can lead to higher blood pressure, and pulse transmission time is highly correlated with blood pressure, which can be used as an indicator of blood pressure. Therefore, this paper explores the application of pulse transmission time series to the assessment of social anxiety. In this paper, the high anxiety and low anxiety of the subjects were induced by the experiment of improvisation speech with and without audience. According to the average audience score, 30 subjects with significant anxiety during the speech stage were found to be significantly aroused. It is found that the degree of relative anxiety in the stage of speech with audience is significantly higher than that in stage without audience through T test. The implementation steps of pulse transmission time series used for social anxiety assessment are as follows: firstly, the pulse transmission time series is preprocessed to remove baseline differences and remove extreme data; Then, the statistical feature, nonlinear feature, energy feature and moment feature based on wavelet packet decomposition are extracted. Then, the backward selection (SBS) algorithm is used for feature selection. Finally, the extreme learning machine and the reserved one test method are used to identify and classify low anxiety and high anxiety. The main findings of this paper are as follows: (1) based on pulse transmission time series, some statistical features and nonlinear features are extracted after removing baseline differences and removing extreme data. Based on the energy and moment features of wavelet packet decomposition, there is a good distinction between low anxiety and high anxiety. According to the SBS algorithm, the feature combinations of 0-and 19-order weighted Krawtchouk moments are obtained, which are used to identify and classify low anxiety and high anxiety. Among them, the recognition rate of low anxiety and high anxiety can reach 96.67. (2) by comparing and analyzing the extreme data of pulse transmission time series before and after removal, it is found that the pole of pulse transmission time series is removed. End data can improve the accuracy of social anxiety assessment, The 0 and 19 order weighted Krawtchouk moments were extracted from the pulse transmission time series before the extreme data were removed for the recognition and classification of low and high anxiety. Among them, the recognition rates of low anxiety and high anxiety were only 90% and 86.67% respectively. (3) two social anxiety evaluation methods based on pulse transmission time series and ECG RR interval sequence were compared. It was found that the ECG RR interval sequence was preprocessed by removing baseline differences and extreme data. The 0-order and 19-order weighted Krawtchouk moments were extracted for low and high anxiety recognition and classification. The recognition rates for low anxiety and high anxiety were only 73.33% and 70%, respectively. In this paper, we conclude that pulse transmission time series can be used to accurately assess social anxiety.
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