[Abstract]:Objective: to improve the efficacy of methadone hydrochloride in the maintenance treatment of drug addicts. Methods: a questionnaire survey was conducted on the drug maintenance outpatient who received methadone hydrochloride maintenance treatment in two hospitals in Zhongshan City. Results: a total of 101 questionnaires were sent out and 88 valid questionnaires were collected. The effective recovery rate was of the respondents had abused one or more drugs (drugs) in addition to methadone hydrochloride in the past year. The highest frequency of abuse was heroin (31.31), followed by pain removing tablets, diazepam, meth, tramadol, etc. 72.73% of the respondents said they could maintain methadone hydrochloride as required. The amount of methadone hydrochloride was dispersed, the average dosage was 75.80 mL / time, the proportion of methadone hydrochloride was higher (26.14%) in the range of 71 ~ 80 mL / time. The average score of family support and social support were (6.22 卤1.88) and (32.73 卤6.94) respectively. The average, poor and very poor economic status of the interviewees were 52.27% and 22.73%, 14.77% respectively. The top five needs of interviewees were social discrimination (38.64%), employment (35.23%), psychological support (35.23%). To help reduce the demand for methadone hydrochloride (32.95%) and to reduce the demand for relapse (28.41%). Conclusion: the majority of drug addicts receiving methadone hydrochloride maintenance therapy are male and young people, and the relative economic status is poor, and the family care and social support are not ideal. Most of them are able to maintain methadone hydrochloride treatment completely or basically, but most of them still have other drugs (drugs) abuse, and there are many needs. Therefore, it is necessary to link up the medical treatment mode of "biological, psychological and social" through the mode of social worker intervention service, so as to better meet its related needs and improve the efficacy of methadone hydrochloride maintenance therapy.
【作者单位】: 中山市第二人民医院南区分院药物维持治疗门诊;中山市北达博雅社会工作服务中心;
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