发布时间:2018-11-03 09:33
【摘要】:目的了解佛山市男男性行为者抑郁、焦虑症状发生情况,探讨性行为特征与精神症状发生的关系及社会心理因素对精神症状的影响,为在该人群中开展精神疾病评估和干预工作提供实证依据。 方法采用现况调查方法,通过同伴推动抽样法征募在佛山市居住至少6个月的18岁及以上的男男性行为者,由经统一培训的调查员用自行设计的问卷、社会支持量表、生命质量量表、负性生活事件量表、冲动性、攻击性量表及Zung氏自评抑郁、焦虑量表进行调查,获取调查对象的一般人口学资料、性行为特征、其他社会心理资料以及抑郁和焦虑症状等信息。评定指标为抑郁严重度指数(≥0.5界定为有抑郁症状),焦虑总标准分(≥50界定为有焦虑症状)。对所有指标计算粗的人群比例、估计总体的比例及其95%置信区间,用logistic回归模型分析抑郁、焦虑症状和相关因素的关联。 结果249名调查对象的平均年龄为31.9±8.5岁,读书年限以7~9年(43.5%)居多,已婚者占49.7%;56.7%是双性恋,18.6%曾公开性取向,63.3%的首次性行为对象为异性,42.3%和34.1%的人在公园/公厕和网络上寻找性伴。估计的总体抑郁症状发生率(95%CI)为34.8%(28.2%~42.3%),总体焦虑症状发生率(95%CI)为13.0%(8.8%~17.7%),总体共病率(95%CI)为10.2%(6.8%~15.5%)。 与抑郁症状关联的因素包括无计划冲动性(OR=2.50,95%CI:1.11~5.64);高自我攻击性(OR=5.14,95%CI:2.41~10.92);首次性行为年龄(OR=4.06,95%CI:1.81~9.08)、同性性行为方式为仅口交(OR=14.27,95%CI:2.47~82.50)、在实体场所寻找性伴(OR=2.29,95%CI:1.06~4.96);近6个月同性无保护肛交(OR=10.01,95%CI:3.21~31.24)、近6个月异性性行为时使用安全套(OR=9.75,95%CI:2.62~36.27);生命质量较低(OR=3.08,95%CI:1.29~7.35)。 与焦虑症状关联的因素有小学及以下文化(OR=4.23,95%CI:1.51~11.87)、工作状况(OR=7.11,95%CI:1.32~38.38)、高行动冲动性(OR=7.54,95%CI:2.11~26.98)、高自我攻击性(OR=4.32,95%CI:1.49~12.48);同性性行为方式为仅肛交(OR=5.99,95%CI:1.58~22.71)、负性生活事件发生较多(OR=3.07,95%CI:1.14~8.25)。 结论男男性行为者具有较高的抑郁、焦虑症状发生率,应关注该人群的精神健康问题,尽早开展心理危机评估与干预。高冲动性、攻击性人格特征、有高危同性性行为的男男性行为者是抑郁、焦虑症状的高危人群,应采取有效措施减少男男性行为者的负性生活事件,提高生命质量,,预防抑郁和焦虑症状发生,促进身心健康。
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the incidence of depression and anxiety in men who have sex with men in Foshan City, and to explore the relationship between the characteristics of sexual behavior and the occurrence of mental symptoms and the influence of psychosocial factors on mental symptoms. To provide empirical evidence for mental illness assessment and intervention in this population. Methods by means of peer driven sampling, men aged 18 and above who lived in Foshan for at least 6 months were recruited by a self-designed questionnaire and social support scale. Quality of life scale, negative life events scale, impulsive, aggressive scale and Zung's self-rating depression, anxiety scale were investigated to obtain the general demographic data and sexual behavior characteristics of the subjects. Other psychosocial data, as well as depression and anxiety symptoms and other information. The index of depression severity (鈮
[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the incidence of depression and anxiety in men who have sex with men in Foshan City, and to explore the relationship between the characteristics of sexual behavior and the occurrence of mental symptoms and the influence of psychosocial factors on mental symptoms. To provide empirical evidence for mental illness assessment and intervention in this population. Methods by means of peer driven sampling, men aged 18 and above who lived in Foshan for at least 6 months were recruited by a self-designed questionnaire and social support scale. Quality of life scale, negative life events scale, impulsive, aggressive scale and Zung's self-rating depression, anxiety scale were investigated to obtain the general demographic data and sexual behavior characteristics of the subjects. Other psychosocial data, as well as depression and anxiety symptoms and other information. The index of depression severity (鈮