[Abstract]:Objective: Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's disease, AD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases that cause dementia in the elderly. There is no effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Beta amyloid peptide (P-amyloid peptide,) A 尾) oligomer is the early initiation factor of AD. In this study, based on Ap oligomer specific monoclonal antibody A8, the expression of single chain antibody (single chain fragmen variant, scFv), was constructed and its biological function was preliminarily studied: the variable region of light and heavy chain of monoclonal antibody A8 was used as template. The gene fragment of scFv was constructed by overlapping extension of PCR. At the same time, different ligated peptide (Linker) sequences, (G4S) 3 or p2A were introduced, and various forms of scFv fragments were obtained by splicing together. The activity of the expressed product of scFv gene fragment was verified by prokaryotic expression system, and the eukaryotic expression vector was constructed. Human cervical cancer cell line (Hela) and Chinese hamster ovarian cell line (CHO), were transfected with lipofectamine to screen the single chain antibody cell line stably expressing anti-Ap oligomer. The antigen recognition ability of anti-A 尾 oligomer scFv was analyzed by indirect ELISA and dot blot analysis. The cell protection and ultrastructural changes of scFv were studied by in vitro experiments. Results: three scFv gene fragments, VL- (G4S) 3VH, VH-(G4S) 3-VL and VL-p2A-VH., were successfully obtained. The first two gene fragments were selected to construct the prokaryotic expression vector, and the target protein of 30kD was obtained. The purification of, Western blot by nickel affinity chromatography showed that the purified scFv was expressed correctly. The indirect ELISA results showed that the titers of VH- (G4S) 3-VL and VL- (G4S) 3-VH were 1? 32000 and 1? 8000, respectively. Three eukaryotic expression vectors (pSecTag2/HygroA-VL- (G4S) 3VH, pSecTag2 / Hygro VH-(G4S) 3-VL and pSecTag2/HygroA-VL-p2A-VH) were constructed successfully. Two Hela-VL-p2A-VH (?) CHO-VL- (G4S) 3 VH. stably expressing scFv were obtained. The results of co-linking ELISA and dot blot showed that the secreted supernatant had the ability of antigen recognition. In vitro experiments showed that it could block and inhibit the cytotoxicity of A 尾 42 oligomer. The expression and recognition ability of one cell line Hela-VL-p2A-VH was stronger than that of CHO-VL- (G4S) 3-VH. Conclusion: the A 尾 oligomer single chain antibody expression vector was successfully constructed and expressed correctly by prokaryotic and mammalian cell systems, and two cell lines stably expressing the single chain antibody were established. The secreted supernatant has the ability of antigen recognition, which can block the cytotoxicity of Ap oligomers and lay a foundation for further application.
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