发布时间:2018-02-13 21:34
本文关键词: 即刻种植即刻修复 延期种植延期修复 种植体留存率 红色美学指数(PES) 白色美学指数(WES) 出处:《武汉大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目的:比较上颌前牙区单颗牙即刻种植即刻修复和延期种植延期修复的美学效果。方法:收集42例(以种植体为计量单位)上颌前牙区单颗牙种植修复病例,其中即刻种植即刻修复组20例,延期种植延期修复组22例。两组病例均戴用种植体支持的螺丝固位临时冠诱导牙龈成形后行永久修复。采集所有病例戴入永久修复体后6个月复查时的口内数码照片,由一位种植科医生用红白美学指数对其评分。对评分结果进行统计分析,比较2组病例得分有无差异。结果:即刻种植即刻修复组的种植体留存率(95.0%)和延期种植延期修复组的种植体留存率(100%)相当,差别无统计学意义(P=0.444)。即刻种植即刻修复组红色美学指数(PES)得分(均值12.05±0.97)和白色美学指数(WES)得分(均值8.00±1.41)均高于延期种植延期修复组(PES均值10.50±1.57,WES均值6.95±1.21),差别具有统计学意义(PES P=0.001, WES P=0.021)。即刻种植即刻修复组达到近乎完美红色美学效果(PES≥12)的病例所占比例(68.4%)高于延期种植延期修复组(22.7%),差别具有统计学意义(P=0.005)。综合PES和WES得分,即刻种植即刻修复组整体美学效果近乎完美(PES≥12且WES≥9)的病例所占比例(31.6%)高于延期种植延期修复组(4.55%),差别具有统计学意义(P=0.036)。两组之间各参数单项比较时,即刻种植即刻修复组在唇侧龈缘曲度、软组织颜色和牙冠外形轮廓3项得分的均值及得2分的百分比均高于延期种植延期修复组,差别具有统计学意义。结论:即刻种植即刻修复组的种植修复体及其周围软组织的短期美学效果较延期种植延期修复组更好,且两者的种植体留存率没有显著差别。
[Abstract]:Objective: to compare the aesthetic effects of immediate and delayed dental implants in the maxillary anterior region. Methods: 42 cases (using implants as the unit of measurement) were collected. There were 20 cases in immediate implant immediate repair group, 22 cases of delayed implant repair group were treated with permanent restoration after gingival reconstruction were induced by temporary crown supported by implant screw. 6 months after permanent restoration, digital photos of all cases were taken. An implant doctor scored it with the Red and White Aesthetics Index. The results were statistically analyzed. Results: the retention rate of implants in the immediate implant repair group was 95. 0% and that in the delayed restoration group was 100%). The scores of PES (mean 12.05 卤0.97) and WES (8.00 卤1.41) in immediate implant immediate repair group were higher than those in delayed planting group (10.50 卤1.57WES = 6.95 卤1.21). The proportion of patients in immediate implant immediate restoration group who achieved almost perfect red aesthetic effect and PES 鈮,