发布时间:2018-05-07 10:38
本文选题:Ⅱ类亚类 + 颞下颌关节 ; 参考:《河北医科大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:目的:安氏II类亚类患者的治疗是临床上讨论和研究的热点,安氏II类亚类患者中有一部分存在不同程度的颞下颌关节的症状。对安氏II类亚类患者颞下颌关节的研究有重要的临床意义。锥体束CT(Cone-beamcomputed tomography,CBCT)是目前用于口腔颌面部最先进的影像学检查和诊断手段。本研究应用CBCT,通过比较安氏II类亚类患者和个别正常牙合且关节健康人群髁突的形态和关节间隙,研究安氏II类亚类患者颞下颌关节的形态和位置特征,从而为临床工作提供依据和参考。 材料和方法:选择安氏II类亚类患者20例,其中男性10例,,女性10例,年龄为22~30岁,平均年龄24.6岁;关节健康的个别正常牙合20例,其中男性10例,女性10例,年龄为19~26岁,平均年龄22.4岁。所有研究对象知情同意。用CBCT系统KaVo3D eXam进行扫描和成像,系统扫描仪获取影像数据后,导入到计算机工作站中,所得图像以Dicom3.0医学数字图像通讯标准存储。应用Invivo5软件来读取已存储的图像数据,并进行CT图像的三维重建。然后,应用该软件对重建的图像进行定位调整,设置三维方向上的坐标轴,从三维方向对3D图像进行定位,以达到测量标准的一致性。使用Invivo5软件对颞下颌关节进行三维重建和测量。 测量项目包括两部分,分别为反映髁突形态的测量项目和反映髁突位置的测量项目。反映髁突形态的测量项目有髁突前后径(anteroposteriordiameter)、髁突内外径(medialateral diameter)、髁突高度(height ofcondylar)、髁顶高度(height of the top of condylar,)、髁突体积(volume)、最大轴面面积(Maximum area);反映髁突位置的测量项目有髁突内外径-矢状面角(medialateral diameter-sagittal plane angle)、髁突中心-正中矢状面距(the center of condylar-mid sagittal plane distance)、关节内间隙(Innerjoint space)、关节中间隙(Medial joint space)、关节外间隙(Outer jointspace)、关节上间隙(Superior joint space)、关节后间隙(Posterior jointspace)、关节前间隙(Anterior joint space)。 采用SPSS13.0统计学分析软件,对各项数据进行正态性检验,若服从正态则采用均数(X)和标准差(S)进行描述,在Ⅱ类亚类组和正常牙合组中分别采用独立样本t检验分析是否存在性别差异,Ⅱ类亚类组和正常牙合组内左右两侧通过采用配对t检验分析测量项目研究是否存在差异,采用独立样本t检验对Ⅱ类亚类组和正常牙合组的测量项目进行分析,研究两组间是否存在差异;若不服从正态分布则采用中位数(M)和四分位数间距(Q)进行描述,采用Wilcoxon秩和检验进行统计分析。检验标准α0.05。 结果: 1正常牙合组左右侧对比中,所有测量项目的差异均无统计学意义。 2Ⅱ类亚类组男性和女性中性侧与远中侧差值的对比,所有测量项目P值均大于0.05。即Ⅱ类亚类组双侧关节测量数据差值的性别差异没有统计学意义。 3Ⅱ类亚类组中性侧和远中侧的比较中,远中侧小于中性侧的测量项目有:髁突前后径中性侧11.48±2.25mm,远中侧9.15±1.98mm、内外径中性侧19.49±1.82mm,远中侧17.57±2.50mm、髁突高度中性侧20.74±3.42mm,远中侧19.00±3.33mm、髁顶高度中性侧9.93±2.23mm,远中侧8.15±1.81mm、髁突体积中性侧1048.80±322.76mm3,远中侧838.45±277.30mm3、最大轴面面积中性侧122.21±30.47mm2,远中侧106.36±27.35mm2、关节中间隙中性侧2.92±0.61mm,远中侧2.82±0.59mm、外间隙中性侧3.02±0.97mm,远中侧2.48±1.02mm、上间隙中性侧3.28±0.75mm,远中侧2.71±0.68mm,后间隙中性侧2.68±0.75mm,远中侧2.57±0.81mm。远中侧大于中性侧的测量项目是内外径-矢状面角,中性侧70.77±5.79°,远中侧74.87±4.37°。 4正常牙合组左右侧差值与Ⅱ类亚类组中性侧和远中侧差值的对比中,Ⅱ类亚类组大于正常牙合组的测量项目有:髁突前后径-0.68±0.88、2.39±1.67mm,髁突内外径-0.12±0.47mm、0.92±1.84mm,髁突高度0.08±1.10mm、1.78±1.46mm,髁顶高度-0.09±0.56mm、-3.43±3.36mm,髁突体积-0.40±41.13mm、210.35±154.85mm,最大轴面面积1.31±5.82mm、15.84±12.57mm,内外径-矢状面角0.68±2.01°、-4.11±3.27°,关节外间隙0.03±0.13mm、0.55±0.42mm,关节上间隙0.02±0.14mm、0.57±0.43mm。 结论: 1Ⅱ类亚类患者远中侧髁突比中性侧小。 2远中侧髁突位置基本正常,中性侧髁突在关节窝中位置偏向前、下、内。
[Abstract]:Objective : To study the clinical significance and clinical significance of the treatment of patients with Class II sub - type . Cone - beam computed tomography ( CBCT ) is one of the most advanced imaging and diagnostic methods used in oral and maxillofacial region . Cone - beam computed tomography ( CBCT ) is the most advanced imaging and diagnostic method used in oral and maxillofacial region . Cone - beam computed tomography ( CBCT ) is the most advanced imaging examination and diagnosis method for patients with Class II .
Materials and Methods : 20 male patients with type II were selected , 10 of them were male and 10 were female . The age ranged from 22 to 30 years . The mean age was 24 . 6 years .
There were 20 cases of joint health , including 10 male , 10 female , age 19 - 26 years , average age of 22.4 years . All the subjects were informed consent . After acquiring image data by CBCT system KaVo3D eXam , the acquired image was stored in the computer workstation . The acquired image was stored in Dicom3.0 medical digital image communication standard . Then , the software was applied to locate the reconstructed image , and the 3D image was positioned from the three - dimensional direction to achieve the consistency of the measurement standard .
The measurement items include two parts : the measurement items reflecting the condyle morphology and the measurement items that reflect the condylar process . The measurement items that reflect the condyle form include the condyle ' s diameter , the medial condyle diameter , the height of condyle , the height of the top of condyle , the condyle volume and the maximum area ;
The measurement items that reflect the condyle location have medial and external sagittal plane angles , the center of medial sagittal plane distance , the center of medial sagittal plane distance , the medial joint space , the medial joint space , the outer jointspace , superior joint space , posterior joint space , anterior joint space .
SPSS 13.0 was used to analyze the normality of the data , and the mean ( X ) and standard deviation ( S ) were used to describe whether there were gender differences in the group 鈪