[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effect of excessive all-trans retinoic acidat RA on the proliferation of palatal mesenchymal cells and its mechanism. Methods SPF C57BL / 6J inbred mice (40 female and 20 male) aged about 10 weeks were selected for cage mating at 8 pm on the previous day. A total of 30 pregnant mice were randomly divided into three groups, 15 in each group. At the time of GD10, the experimental group was given the same amount of corn oil as the pregnant rat 100mg/kg at RAA by one dose of intragastric administration, while the control group was given the same amount of corn oil. The fetal mouse at the time of gavage of GD1314 and 16:00 were used to observe the development of palatal plate of fetal mice by HE staining. We established the primary culture model of GD13 fetal mouse palatal process mesenchymal cells (GD13), and used the third generation fetal mouse palatal mesenchymal cells (mouse embryonic palate mesenchymal The experiment was divided into five groups (0.1 渭 mol / L, 0.5 渭 mol / L, 1 渭 mol / L, 5 渭 mol / L, 10 渭 mol / L, respectively). Trypan blue MTT assay was used to detect the time-effect and dose-effect relationship of ATRA on MEPM cells. According to the clinical pharmacological characteristics of RA, appropriate time and concentration were selected for further experiments. Real-time PCR was used to detect the effect of excessive at RA on the expression of Smad2 Smad7 mRNA. Western blot was used to detect the effect of excessive at RA on the expression of Smad2 Smad7 and p-Smad2 proteins in MEPM cells. The statistical software SPSS 17.0 was used to analyze the results of this experiment. The test level was 0. 05 for both sides. Results the results of HE staining showed that the bilateral palatal plates in the control group were raised, contacted and fused with GD1314 and 16 fetal mice, while the bilateral palatal plates of the GD13 fetal mice in the experimental group were smaller than those in the control group, and the bilateral palatal plates were not observed when the bilateral palatal plates were lifted up and GD14 was not observed in the experimental group. The bilateral palatal plate was not raised in the experimental group, and the development of GD15 was delayed obviously, and the bilateral palatal plate was not contacted in the experimental group. Finally, cleft palate was observed in the bilateral palatal plate of the experimental group at GD16. The results of trypan blue staining showed that the cell rejection rate decreased with the increase of ATRA concentration and time, suggesting that the cell activity decreased with the increase of ATRA concentration. The results of MTT assay showed that the concentration of at RA was in the range of 0.1-10 渭 mol / L. The activity of MEPM cells decreased with the increase of ATRA concentration, especially after 72 hours, the proliferation of MEPM cells was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner. By SPSS 17.0 analysis, we obtained that the half inhibitory concentration of ATRA on MEPM cells was: 1: 4.76 渭 mol / L for 72 hours. The results of real-time PCR showed that 5 渭 mol / L atRA could promote the expression of Smad7m RNA (P0.05), but had no effect on the expression of Smad2 mRNA (P0.05). The results of Western blot showed that 5 渭 mol / L tat RA could down-regulate the expression of p-Smad2 protein compared with the control group. Promote the expression of Smad7 protein, but have no effect on the expression of Smad2 protein (P0.05). Conclusion (1) the proliferation of mouse embryonic palate mesenchymal cells can be inhibited in a dose-dependent manner under the condition of culture in vitro. (2) excessive atRA can affect the proliferation of mouse embryonic palate mesenchymal cells by down-regulating the normal expression of TGF- 尾 / Smad signaling molecule. This may be one of the biological mechanisms of cleft palate induced by at RA.
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