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发布时间:2018-08-04 16:28
【摘要】:目的:本研究对不同年龄正常(牙合)人群休息位与姿势性微笑位面像进行测量,,旨在探讨随年龄增长,人们在休息位与姿势性微笑位时口周软组织的变化,比较口周软组织增龄性变化的性别差异,从而为正畸临床的检查、诊断、制定治疗计划和疗效评估提供有价值的参考依据。 方法: 1样本选择与分组 分别在石家庄市师大附中高中生、河北医科大学学生、河北医科大学口腔医院正畸科患者家长中进行普查。样本的纳入标准为:年龄15-49岁,河北籍,汉族;牙列完整,属于个别正常(牙合);无正畸治疗史;无修复治疗史;无面部畸形;无颌面部手术史及外伤史。选取受试者240例,根据年龄分为4组, Group115-19(17.1±1.4)岁,Group220-29(24.7±2.5)岁,Group330-39(35.9±1.7)岁,Group440-49(46.2±2.1)岁,每组男女各30人。 2面像拍摄 所选240例受试者取端坐位,目视正前方,眶耳平面与地平面平行,刻度尺固定于受试者左侧,刻度尺平面与受试者口角连线平行且在同一平面。嘱受试者先放松,口唇自然闭合,达到休息位,然后引导其自然微笑,如微笑不自然则可发英文字母“E”音进行微笑练习,直至达到姿势性微笑位。将相机设置为摄像模式,对受试者休息位及姿势性微笑位过程进行摄像,拍摄时间为10-15秒。将所拍摄的视频短片导入到电脑中,通过暴风影音播放器播放,从中选取最具代表性的休息位与姿势性微笑位图片两张,以JPG格式存于文件下,通过ACDSee5.0对图片进行编辑,裁剪后只留取口周部分,并保存。 3数据测量 运行Smile Measure软件,选取要测量的休息位图片一张,在初始设置中首先对年龄组和性别进行设置,然后通过刻度尺进行比例设置,即选取刻度尺上任意一段距离并输入其实际长度(mm),得出图片中刻度尺与实际刻度尺长度之间的比例。根据比例信息,对休息位3项测量项目进行测量。继续运行Smile Measure软件,选取同一人姿势性微笑位图片一张,以同样方法进行比例设置后,对姿势性微笑位11项测量项目进行测量。保存数据成功后,软件根据同一年龄组和性别将各测量项目自动保存至.csv(逗号分割文档)文件内,重置所有数据后可对下一图片进行测量。 各测量项目测量方法 休息位: 上唇长度:鼻下点到上唇下缘最低点的垂距。 上唇厚度:上唇唇峰最高点到上唇下缘最低点的垂距。 口角宽度:一侧口角到另一侧口角的距离。 微笑位: 上唇长度:鼻下点到上唇下缘最低点的垂距。 上唇长度变化量:休息位上唇长度-微笑位上唇长度。 上唇厚度:上唇唇峰最高点到上唇下缘最低点的垂距。 上唇厚度变化量:休息位上唇厚度-微笑位上唇厚度。 口角宽度:一侧口角到另一侧口角的距离。 口角宽度变化量:微笑位口角宽度-休息位口角宽度。 上下唇间隙:上唇下缘最低点与下唇上缘最高点间距离。 微笑指数:口角宽度/上下唇间隙。 上颌中切牙暴露量:上颌中切牙垂直暴露长度。 颊旁间隙:微笑时露出的最远中牙齿颊侧与嘴角之间的间隙,测量采用面积比,即双侧颊旁间隙面积总和与微笑面积之比。 微笑高度:根据微笑时上颌切牙暴露程度将微笑分为3类:1)高位微笑:微笑时暴露全部上颌切牙牙冠和部分牙龈;2)中位微笑:微笑时暴露75%-100%的上颌切牙牙冠;3)低位微笑:微笑时暴露小于75%的上颌切牙牙冠。 统计学处理:所有数据均采用SPSS18.0统计软件包进行统计分析,所有统计分析均以P0.05为具有统计学意义。 结果: 1前后测量数据差异无统计学意义,P>0.05。 2各项测量数据统计描述结果: 休息位上唇长度G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为23.17±1.30mm、23.28±1.92mm、23.88±0.85mm、25.09±1.24mm,女性分别为21.36±2.02mm、21.69±1.65mm、22.69±0.99mm、22.94±1.29mm,各组男女性别差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05),男性G1和G3、G1和G4、G2和G4、G3和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),女性G1和G3、G1和G4、G2和G3、G2和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 微笑位上唇长度G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为18.45±1.37mm、18.72±1.90mm、19.57±0.98mm、19.82±1.50mm,女性分别为17.22±1.70mm、17.65±1.44mm、18.76±0.74mm、19.06±1.06mm,各组男女性别差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05),男性G1和G3、G1和G4、G2和G3、G2和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),女性G1和G3、G1和G4、G2和G3、G2和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 上唇长度变化量G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别4.72±1.25mm、4.55±1.33mm、4.31±1.05mm、5.27±1.12mm,女性分别为4.14±1.04mm、4.03±1.25mm、3.93±0.96mm、3.88±0.87mm,G4组男女性别差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),其余各组内及组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 休息位上唇厚度G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为8.30±1.30mm、8.22±0.75mm、7.92±0.75mm、7.85±0.76mm,女性分别为8.40±1.09mm、8.36±1.26mm、8.19±0.73mm、7.92±0.78mm,各组内男女性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),G1和G4、G2和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 微笑位上唇厚度G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为5.57±1.15mm、5.56±0.90mm、5.50±0.80mm、5.37±0.76mm,女性分别为5.87±0.75mm、5.64±1.12mm、5.53±0.92mm、5.40±0.79mm,各组内男女性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),G1和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 上唇厚度变化量G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为2.73±1.03mm、2.66±0.59mm、2.42±0.64mm、2.48±0.59mm,女性分别为2.53±0.92mm、2.73±0.95mm、2.66±0.58mm、2.51±0.58mm,男女性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 休息位口角宽度G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为48.67±1.82mm、49.62±1.18mm、50.18±1.53mm、51.76±1.70mm,女性分别为48.40±2.59mm、48.71±1.78mm、49.59±1.19mm、50.25±1.50mm,G2、G4组男女性别差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),男性G1和G2、G1和G3、G1和G4、G2和G4、G3和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),女性G1和G3、G1和G4、G2和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 微笑位口角宽度G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为60.79±3.91mm、60.83±2.36mm、61.04±1.94mm、61.34±3.25mm,女性分别为60.81±3.22mm、60.96±3.72mm、61.14±2.98mm、61.56±3.69mm,各组内男女性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 口角宽度变化量G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为12.13±3.90mm、11.21±2.69mm、10.86±1.32mm、9.58±3.34mm,女性分别为12.41±1.99mm、12.25±3.30mm、11.55±3.03mm、11.31±4.15mm,各组内男女性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),G1和G4、G2和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 上颌牙齿暴露量G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为9.65±0.85mm、9.06±0.70mm、8.36±1.56mm、7.97±1.23mm,女性分别为9.92±0.62mm、9.21±0.64mm、8.45±1.32mm、8.39±0.87mm,各组内男女性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),G1和G2、G1和G3、G1和G4、G2和G3、G2和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 上下唇间隙G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为11.34±1.93mm、11.07±1.00mm、10.80±1.42mm、10.21±1.39mm,女性分别为11.69±1.21mm、11.50±1.65mm、10.90±1.38mm、10.54±1.28mm,各组内男女性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),G1和G3、G1和G4、G2和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 微笑指数G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为5.52±1.01、5.53±0.49、5.74±0.75、6.11±0.82,女性分别为5.26±0.63、5.40±0.80、5.69±0.74、5.92±0.78,各组内男女性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),G1和G3、G1和G4、G2和G4、G3和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 颊旁间隙G1、G2、G3、G4组男性分别为5.09±1.53%、6.07±1.34%、6.88±1.16%、7.14±1.40%,女性分别为5.44±1.32%、6.38±1.29%、7.29±1.31%、7.44±1.12%,各组内男女性别差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),G1和G2、G1和G3、G1和G4、G2和G3、G2和G4组间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 微笑高度G1、G2、G3、G4组高中低位微笑类型男女性别差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论: 随年龄增长,休息位时上唇长度变长,嘴唇变薄,微笑时口周水平向变宽,垂直向变窄,颊旁间隙变大,更趋于低位微笑。相同年龄人群的唇齿关系具有性别差异。
[Abstract]:Objective: the purpose of this study was to measure the rest and postural facial image of the normal (occlusal) people of different ages. The purpose of this study was to explore the changes in the soft tissue of the mouth and the postural smile at the rest and the postural smile, and to compare the gender differences in the aging of the soft tissue in the oral soft tissues, and to make the orthodontic clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment. It provides valuable reference for plan and curative effect evaluation.
1 sample selection and grouping
In Shijiazhuang Normal University, students from the Middle School of Shijiazhuang Normal University, students from Hebei Medical University and the parents of orthodontic orthodontic Department of Hebei Medical University, the standard of the sample is: age 15-49, Hebei nationality, Han nationality; complete dentition; no history of orthodontic treatment; no history of repair and treatment; no facial deformity; 240 subjects were divided into 4 groups according to age, Group115-19 (17.1 + 1.4) years, Group220-29 (24.7 + 2.5) years, Group330-39 (35.9 + 1.7) years, Group440-49 (46.2 + 2.1) years, and each group 30 in each group.
2 face shooting
240 subjects were chosen to take the seat, visual front, parallel to the ground plane, and the scale was fixed to the left side of the subjects. The scale plane was parallel to the speaker's angle line and on the same plane. The subjects were asked to relax first, and the lips were naturally closed to the rest, and then they guide their natural smile, if the smile was unnatural, the English could be sent English. The letter "E" has a smile practice until it reaches a postural smile. The camera is set as a camera mode to take a camera on the rest of the subjects and the postural smile. The shooting time is 10-15 seconds. The video is introduced into the computer, and the most representative rest is selected from the storm video player. Two pictures of bit and postural smile bit are saved in JPG format under the file. The pictures are edited by ACDSee 5.0. After clipping, only the perioral part is taken and saved.
3 data measurement
Smile Measure software is used to select a picture of the rest picture to be measured. In the initial setting, the age group and the sex are set first, and then the scale is set by the scale, that is to select the distance on the scale and input the actual length (mm), and the ratio between the scale of the scale and the length of the actual scale is obtained. According to the proportional information, the 3 items of the resting position were measured. The Smile Measure software was continued and the same person's postural smile bit picture was selected. After the same method, the postural smile position was measured in 11 items. After the preservation of the data, the software was used to measure the items according to the same age group and sex. Automatically save to.Csv (comma separated document) file, reset all data, the next image can be measured.
Measurement methods for each measurement project
Resting position:
The length of the upper lip: the vertical distance from the inferior nasal point to the lowest point of the lower lip of the upper lip.
The thickness of the upper lip: the vertical distance from the highest point of the upper lip to the lowest point of the upper lip.
Width of corners: the distance from one side to the other side.
Smile position:
The length of the upper lip: the vertical distance from the inferior nasal point to the lowest point of the lower lip of the upper lip.
Length of upper lip length: upper lip length of resting position - upper lip length of smile position.
The thickness of the upper lip: the vertical distance from the highest point of the upper lip to the lowest point of the upper lip.
Thickness change of upper lip: upper lip thickness of rest position smile position upper lip thickness.
Width of corners: the distance from one side to the other side.
Width of mouth width: smile angle width - rest angle width.
Upper and lower lip spaces: the lowest point between the lower lip of the upper lip and the highest point on the upper edge of the lower lip.
The smile index: the width of the mouth / the upper and lower lip.
Exposure of maxillary central incisors: vertical exposure length of maxillary central incisors.
Paracalcal space: the gap between the farthest middle teeth and the corners of the mouth when smiling, measuring the ratio of the area to the area, that is, the ratio of the total area of the bilateral paracheal space to the smile area.
Smile height: according to the exposure of the maxillary incisors when the smile is smiling, the smile is divided into 3 categories: 1) high smile: the smile exposes the crown of the maxillary incisor and the part of the gums; 2) the middle smile: the smile exposes the maxillary incisor crown with the smile; 3) the low smile: the smile exposes the crown of the maxillary incisor smaller than 75% when smiling.
Statistical processing: All data were analyzed by SPSS18.0 statistical software package, and all statistical analysis were statistically significant with P 0.05.
There was no significant difference in the measurement data before and after 1, P > 0.05.
2 the results of the statistical description of the measured data:
The length of the upper lip of the rest G1, G2, G3, G4 group were 23.17 + 1.30mm, 23.28 + 1.92mm, 23.88 + 0.85mm, 25.09 + 1.24mm. The females were 21.36 + 2.02mm, 21.69 + 1.65mm, 22.69 + 0.99mm, and 22.94 + 1.29mm. The gender differences of men and women in each group were statistically significant (0.05). Academic meaning (P < 0.05), the difference between female G1 and G3, G1 and G4, G2 and G3, G2 and G4 was statistically significant (P < 0.05).
The length of the smiling upper lip, G1, G2, G3, and G4, were 18.45 + 1.37mm, 18.72 + 1.90mm, 19.57 + 0.98mm, 19.82 + 1.50mm. The females were 17.22 + 1.70mm, 17.65 + 1.44mm, 18.76 + 0.74mm, 19.06 + 1.06mm. The gender differences of men and women were statistically significant (0.05). Academic meaning (P < 0.05), the difference between female G1 and G3, G1 and G4, G2 and G3, G2 and G4 was statistically significant (P < 0.05).
The length changes of the upper lip, G1, G2, G3, and G4 were 4.72 + 1.25mm, 4.55 + 1.33mm, 4.31 + 1.05mm, 5.27 + 1.12mm, and 4.14 + 1.04mm, 4.03 + 1.25mm, 3.93 + 0.96mm and 3.88 + 0.87mm. The gender differences between men and women were statistically significant (0.05), and there was no significant difference between the other groups and groups (0.05).
The thickness of the upper lip of the rest G1, G2, G3, and G4 was 8.30 + 1.30mm, 8.22 + 0.75mm, 7.92 + 0.75mm, 7.85 + 0.76mm. The female was 8.40 + 1.09mm, 8.36 + 1.26mm, 8.19 + 0.73mm and 7.92 + 0.78mm. There was no statistically significant difference between the male and female sex (0.05).
The thickness of the smiling upper lip, G1, G2, G3, and G4, were 5.57 + 1.15mm, 5.56 + 0.90mm, 5.50 + 0.80mm, 5.37 + 0.76mm. The females were 5.87 + 0.75mm, 5.64 + 1.12mm, 5.53 + 0.92mm and 5.40 + 0.79mm. There was no statistically significant difference between the male and female sex (0.05). The differences between the groups were statistically significant (0.05).
The changes in the thickness of the upper lip, G1, G2, G3, and G4 were 2.73 + 1.03mm, 2.66 + 0.59mm, 2.42 + 0.64mm, 2.48 + 0.59mm, and 2.53 + 0.92mm, 2.73 + 0.95mm, 2.66 + 0.58mm and 2.51 + 0.58mm. There was no statistically significant difference between men and women (0.05), and there was no statistical significance (0.05).
The rest width G1, G2, G3, G4 group were 48.67 + 1.82mm, 49.62 + 1.18mm, 50.18 + 1.53mm, 51.76 + 1.70mm. Women were 48.40 + 2.59mm, 48.71 + 1.78mm, 49.59 + 1.19mm, 50.25 + 1.50mm. Statistical significance (P < 0.05), the difference between female G1 and G3, G1 and G4, G2 and G4 was statistically significant (P < 0.05).
The widths of G1, G2, G3 and G4 were 60.79 + 3.91mm, 60.83 + 2.36mm, 61.04 + 1.94mm and 61.34 + 3.25mm, respectively. The females were 60.81 + 3.22mm, 60.96 + 3.72mm, 61.14 + 2.98mm and 61.56 + 3.69mm. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in each group (0.05). There was no significant difference between the groups (0.05).
G1, G2, G3, and G4 group were 12.13 + 3.90mm, 11.21 + 2.69mm, 10.86 + 1.32mm, 9.58 + 3.34mm, respectively, 12.41 + 1.99mm, 12.25 + 3.30mm, 11.55 + 3.03mm, 11.31 + 4.15mm.
The exposure of the maxillary teeth, G1, G2, G3, and G4, were 9.65 + 0.85mm, 9.06 + 0.70mm, 8.36 + 1.56mm, 7.97 + 1.23mm. Women were 9.92 + 0.62mm, 9.21 + 0.64mm, 8.45 + 1.32mm, 8.39 + 0.87mm. < 0.05).
The male and lower lip G1, G2, G3, and G4 group were 11.34 + 1.93mm, 11.07 + 1.00mm, 10.80 + 1.42mm, 10.21 + 1.39mm, and 11.69 + 1.21mm, 11.50 + 1.65mm, 10.90 + 1.38mm, 10.54 + 1.28mm. There was no statistical significance (0.05).
The smile index G1, G2, G3, and G4 group were 5.52 + 1.01,5.53 + 0.49,5.74 + 0.82 respectively, and the females were 5.26 + 0.63,5.40 + 0.80,5.69 + 0.74,5.92 + 0.78 respectively. There was no statistical significance (P > 0.05) in the male and female sex differences (P > 0.05).
The G1, G2, G3 and G4 groups in the paracheal space were 5.09 + 1.53%, 6.07 + 1.34%, 6.88 + 1.16%, 7.14 + 1.40% respectively. The females were 5.44 + 1.32%, 6.38 + 1.29%, 7.29 + 6.07, respectively. There was no statistical significance (P > G2, G1 and G3, G1 and G4) in each group.
Smile height G1, G2, G3, G4 group high and low smile type gender differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05).
With the increase of age, the length of the upper lip is longer, the lips become thinner, the horizontal direction of the mouth widens, the vertical direction becomes narrower, the paracheal space becomes larger and the lower smile becomes more. The relationship between the lips and teeth of the same age group has sex difference.


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1 郑元华;青少年姿势位微笑相关数据的测量分析[D];兰州大学;2010年




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