[Abstract]:Objective: to compare the cutting ability and forming ability of three reciprocating and rotating single nickel titanium instruments in preparation of simulated curved root canals, and to provide reference for clinical application. Methods: thirty single curved resin simulated root canal modules were randomly divided into Reciproc group one file group and WaveOne group with 10 modules in each group. According to the instructions provided by the manufacturer, the preparation of root canal was simulated, the preparation time of root canal was recorded, the quality of the module before and after preparation was poor, the change of bending angle of root canal and the locating ability of nickel titanium instrument center were measured. Results there was no significant difference in root canal preparation time between the two groups (P0.05). There was no significant difference in the quality difference between the two groups before and after the root canal preparation (P0.05). There was no significant difference in the simulated root canal bending angle between the three groups (P0.05). The ability of central localization in Reciproc group and One file group was better than that in WaveOne group at 5 mm from apical foramen (P0.05), and that in one file group at 6 and 7 mm from apical foramen was better than that in other two groups (P0.05). Conclusion: the efficiency of root canal preparation with the original form of simulated root canal. WaveOne is lower than that of the other two groups. One file is superior to the other two groups in locating the center of each segment of root canal. [conclusion] both the 1: WaveOne Reciproc and One file reciprocating and rotating single nickel titanium instruments can maintain the original shape of simulated root canal and the efficiency of preparing root canal is lower than that of the other two groups.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学口腔医院牙体牙髓病科;
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