本文选题:传染病 + 发病率 ; 参考:《南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)》2017年11期
【摘要】:目的:了解盐城市2006—2015年法定报告传染病的流行趋势及特点,为传染病防控提供理论依据。方法:通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统,收集2006—2015年盐城市法定报告传染病资料,包括甲、乙、丙类,其中甲、乙类合并进行数据处理,采用描述性流行病学方法进行统计分析。结果:该地区2006—2015年共报告甲乙类传染病81 091例,平均发病率为104.29/10万,丙类传染病69 817例,平均发病率为92.57/10万。时间上,甲乙类传染病发病率一直相对稳定,丙类传染病2006—2014年呈逐步上升趋势,2015年下降明显,在发病月份上呈现明显的波动性,流行高峰4~7月份。亭湖区为甲乙类和丙类传染病高发地区。人群分布上,甲乙类以10~79岁人群为主要发病人群(占71.03%),丙类以0~9岁为主要发病人群(占71.03%);男性甲乙类和丙类传染病患者均明显多于女性,性别比为1.98∶1和1.71∶1;甲乙类传染病患者以农民为主(占63.68%),丙类传染病以散居儿童为主(占56.61%)。结论:盐城市法定报告甲乙类传染病总体上相对稳定,丙类传染病呈上升趋势且存在季节性变化,甲乙类和丙类传染病均存在明显地区、人群分布特点,应进一步针对重点地区、重点人群进行防控。
[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the epidemic trend and characteristics of epidemic diseases reported by law in Yancheng City from 2006 to 2015, and to provide theoretical basis for prevention and control of infectious diseases.Methods: through the China Disease Prevention and Control Information system, the data of epidemic diseases reported in Yancheng City from 2006 to 2015 were collected, including A, B, C, A and B, which were combined for data processing.Descriptive epidemiological methods were used for statistical analysis.Results: a total of 81,091 cases of Class A and B infectious diseases were reported in this area from 2006 to 2015, with an average incidence of 104.29 / 100 million and 69,817 cases of Class C infectious diseases with an average incidence of 92.57 / 100 000.In time, the incidence of A and B infectious diseases has been relatively stable, while the incidence of class C infectious diseases has been increasing gradually from 2006 to 2014, and decreased obviously in 2015, showing obvious fluctuation in the month of onset, with the epidemic peak in April and July.The Lake area is a high incidence area of class A, B and C infectious diseases.In the distribution of population, the main incidence population was 1079 years old (71.03%), the group C was 0 ~ 9 years old (71.033%), the male patients with A, B and C infectious diseases were obviously more than female.The sex ratio was 1.98: 1 and 1.71: 1. The patients with Class A and B infectious diseases were mainly farmers (63.68%), and Class C infectious diseases were mainly scattered children (56.61%).Conclusion: class A and B infectious diseases reported by law in Yancheng City are relatively stable on the whole, Class C infectious diseases show an upward trend and seasonal changes, and there are obvious areas and population distribution characteristics of both Class A and B infectious diseases and Class C infectious diseases.Should be further targeted at key areas, key people to prevent and control.
【作者单位】: 南京医科大学公共卫生学院;盐城市盐都区疾病预防控制中心;盐城市疾病预防控制中心;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(81373102) 江苏省高校优势学科建设专项资金 江苏省品牌专业建设基金 江苏省青蓝工程资助项目
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